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Pravni sistem Beneške republike : Benetke in njihov teritorij (XV.-XVIII. stol.)
Claudio Povolo, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In the second half of the 18th century, the debate on the role and significance of Venetian law as well as its contested relationship with common law was symptomatic of a severe political crisis that had affected the whole of La Serenissima. After the fall in the 19th century, the discussion was replaced by a cult of memory with the inevitable mythical implications through which the secular life of the Venetian state was now viewed. During the 20th century, the historiographic contemplation and the first historical studies concerning Venetian law approached this topic in light of its constitutional and jurisdictional implications.The paper focuses on this historiography, presenting some of the fundamental characteristics of the republican judicial system: its eminently consuetudinary structure, the distribution of power that sustained it, and its political decline through the centuries
Ključne besede: pravo, pravni sistem, zgodovina prava, Benetke, običaji, Republika
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3366; Prenosov: 34
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Skrivnostni tiskar Tolomeo Ianiculo : tiskana knjiga iz 16. stoletja kot zgodovinski vir?
Igor Presl, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The author of the article combined findings published in other articles, archival sources and bibliographical analysis of several printed books by the Italian humanist man of letters and diplomat Giangiorgio Trissino in order to dispel the doubts about the identity of Trissino's printer Bartolomeo Zanetti who used the pseudonym Tolomeo Ianiculo to hide his real name when working with Trissino. Bibliographical analysis of material (non-textual) elements of some Trissino's books available nowadays revealed that they were printed in a manner corresponding to Zanetti's printing style. When printing Trissino's works in 1529, Zanetti worked as a travelling and occasional printer without his own movable type, printing press and the possibility of regular supply of paper. All these circumstances were "imprinted" on his books, which allows us to "read" them historically. The author of the article was also interested in the reasons why Zanetti decided to reject the fame he could have shared with Trissino. At that time, printers were usually proud of their work as printing required the mastery of a more advanced technique than manuscript binding. In addition, printed items reached the masses, thus increasing printers' fame and giving them the possibility of transcending their mortality, which was an important goal of a Renaissance man. The reasons for using a pseudonym were much deeper than in the case of Palladio - the pseudonym that Trissino assigned to the promising contractor Andrea di Pietro. They sprang from an environment imbued with espionage and conspiracy, with both characterizing Trissino and Zanetti's lives and work during an intense period marked by war and political intrigues. Only when reading "between the lines", one can put together a feasible and meaningful mosaic out of seemingly unconnected and arbitrary fragments of empirical "facts". What the two protagonists had in common was the knowledge of Greek and acquaintanceship with Greek scholars and medical circles, interest in calligraphy and printing, as well as in all activities necessary for intelligence and other secret services. The real identity of Trissino's printer can be inferred with great certainty from the book on poisons and antidotes that features Trissino's signet and Zanetti's real name. Having been created in the information centre of anti-Venetian alliances during a huge scandal (I segretari del 1542) whose main agent - the French Ambassador Guillaume Pellicier - had financed its publication, the book also confirms the suspicion that they were both involved in the intelligence service. Therefore it can be concluded that by using Trissino's signet Zanetti wanted to protect himself as Venice had already forgiven the courteous man of letters and diplomat his pro-Habsburg sympathies
Ključne besede: analitična bibliografija, Benetke, vodni znaki, tiskarji, vohunstvo, diplomacija, 16.stol., pisarji
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 6836; Prenosov: 29
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Piranske bratovščine v 18. stoletju in njihova umetnostna naročila
Vesna Kamin Kajfež, 2011, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Ključne besede: bratovščine, Piran, Benetke, Bratovščina sv. Rešnjega telesa, Bratovščina sv. Jurija
Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 3628; Prenosov: 81
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