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Pomen frazemov z vidika medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti
Karin Marc Bratina, 2004, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Članek poudarja pomen poznavanja frazeologije tujega jezika za razvijanje medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti, in sicer na podlagi modela medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti, izdelanega v okviru projekta LABICUM. Izhajamo iz predpostavke, da frazeologija izraza doživljanje sveta nekega naroda, njegove izkušnje v teku zgodovine, zato ji lahko z drugimi besedami rečemo tudi jezik kulture. Ta trditev pa je blizu tudi pojmovanju jezika, kot ga je razvilo kognitivno jezikoslovje.
Ključne besede: jezikoslovje, sporazumevanje, medkulturnost, sociolingvistika, frazeologija, frazem
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 4618; Prenosov: 50
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Etape zbiranja narečnega frazemskega gradiva
Karin Marc Bratina, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In the Slovene area, phraseology as taking inventory (i.e. preparing the list and providing the explanation) of idiomatic phrases of a certain language is a relatively new subject of research on dialects, attracting increasing attention. With the theory of dialect phraseology being fairly undeveloped in Slovene linguistics, it seems reasonable to put forward a few methodological proposals and to present our fieldwork experience. Fieldwork is the most important part of dialectologist's research as all his/her further work depends of the material collected; in our research, the basic method using a "guided questionnaire" was complemented with a guided conversation. Our methodology thus combined the selection of idiomatic phrases from texts written in standard Slovene, fieldwork involving the collection of phrases on the basis of a questionnaire, and guided conversations. Given the fact that Slovene dialectology has not yet developed a questionnaire intended exclusively for research on phraseology, our research, conducted in Slovene Istria, conceived a questionnaire by selecting idiomatic phrases from Slovene fiction written in Istrian dialects and from Istrian folk songs. Our fieldwork experience revealed that it is reasonable to prepare a questionnaire based on fiction written in local dialects for each dialect or at least each regional group of dialects as such a questionnaire could provide an excellent starting point for the collection of idiomatic phrases in all Slovene dialects. The use of such a questionnaire namely encouraged the informants to think of idiomatic phrases not included in our list, which resulted in the enrichment of the list, with associations brought up by the informants serving as the introduction to guided conversations. Our experience in selecting the informants, i.e. native speakers of Istrian dialects, revealed that what counts in the collection of dialect phrases is not only the informants' origin, age, gender, autochthonous status, length of residence in the area researched and social position, but above all the scope of their general knowledge, linguistic sensibility and eloquence, with the latter affecting the informants' use of idiomatic phrases in spoken language and informal situations. The knowledge and use of idiomatic phrases, in particular those comprising cultural information, make part of the so called speaker's cultural and linguistic competence, the possession of which is, in our opinion, of vital importance for the transmission of dialect phraseology.
Ključne besede: dialektologija, frazeologija, narečna frazeologija, informatorji
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3928; Prenosov: 35
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Zasnova narečnega frazeološkega slovarja
Karin Marc Bratina, 2009, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: Cilj prispevka je prikazati enega od možnih pristopov k zbiranju in urejanju narečne frazeologije, ki povezuje standarde dosedanjega leksikografskega in dialektološkega dela s prednostmi obdelave s sodobnimi jezikovnimi tehnologijami, na tej podlagi pa podati osnutek za oblikovanje narečnega frazeološkega slovarja v elektronski obliki, ki bi poleg standardnih leksikografskih elementov v geslu podal tudi avdio izseček kontekstualne rabe ter prikaz umestitve frazema na karti narečnih frazemov.
Ključne besede: frazeologija, narečna frazeologija, semantika frazemov, kartografiranje frazemov, frazeološki slovar
Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 4086; Prenosov: 49
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