1. V tišini spomina : "eksodus" in IstraKatja Hrobat Virloget, 2021, znanstvena monografija Ključne besede: "eksodus", Istra, spomin, molk, izseljevanje, priseljevanje, italijanska manjšina, dediščina Objavljeno v RUP: 27.03.2023; Ogledov: 1123; Prenosov: 11 Celotno besedilo (17,18 MB) |
2. Informiranje slovenske in italijanske manjšine v programih javnih televizij : analiza oddaj Meridiani in MikserDomen Miklavec, 2019, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: javni mediji, informiranje manjšin, manjšinski programi, manjšinska skupnost, manjšinske oddaje, oddaja Meridiani, oddaja Mikser, slovenska manjšina, italijanska manjšina, magistrske naloge Objavljeno v RUP: 28.11.2019; Ogledov: 2196; Prenosov: 130 Celotno besedilo (1,11 MB) |
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4. Italijanske manjšine na ozemlju bivše Jugoslavije : diplomsko deloMarisa Macchi, 2013, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: Italijani, narodne manjšine, italijanska emigracija, Jugoslavija, ozemlje bivše Jugoslavije, italijanska manjšina, narodna identiteta, jezik, dialekt, kultura, tradicija, diplomska dela, Italiani, emigrazione italiana, Jugoslavia, minoranza italiana, identità etnica, lingua, dialetto, cultura, tradizioni Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3222; Prenosov: 63 Celotno besedilo (4,61 MB) |
5. Etnične manjšine in diskriminacija : primer slovenske manjšine v Italiji in italijanske manjšine v SlovenijiZorana Medarić, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The aim of the article is to compare the experience and perception of discrimination in daily life by two ethnic minorities: the Slovene minority in Italy and the Italian in Slovenia. Ethnic discrimination is understood in a wider perspective as positive or negative behaviour and treatment of individuals resulting from their affiliation to a certain ethnic group. The article analyyes data obtained through several empirical (quantitative and qualitative) studies conducted between 2006 and 2008 among the Slovene minority living in the Trieste area and the Italian minority living in Slovene Istria, with the analysis having been based on theories of interethnic relations and processes. The results of these studies have revealed that the two minorities perceive and experience the environment in which they live in avery different manner: members of the former experience it as fairly intolerant, while members of the latter, by contrast, experience it as relatively tolerant. In addition, the former feel less accepted in their environment and have recently experienced more forms of intolerance and negative discrimination than their Italian counterparts. The Slovene minority also has considerably worse interaction with the majority (Italian) population or, to be more precise, members of the Slovene minority mostly maintain personal and friendly contacts with members of their own community, which is an indicator of perpetual self-containment of the Slovene minority resulting from its lifestyle. What the two groups have in common is the strong feeling of belonging to a minority community, with the members of the Slovene minority being slightly more aware of it in daily life. The differences manifested in the perception of the environment and in the experience of discrimination undoubtedly result from different socio-historical backgrounds and different status of the two minorities, which could be improved with consistent implementation of right already granted. Ključne besede: manjšine, slovenska manjšina, italijanska manjšina, etnični odnosi, diskriminacija Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 5488; Prenosov: 104 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
6. Manjšine in skupinske (etnične) identitete : primerjalna študija slovenske in italijanske manjšineMateja Sedmak, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The article addresses the issue of minority identity or common ethnic identity. It represents an attempt to define the common identity of the Slovenian minority living in the region of Trieste (Italy) and the Italian minority living in Slovenian Istria (Slovenia). The aim of the contribution is to answer the following questions: What is the common (ethnic) identity of Slovenian and Italian minorities? What differences or similarities can be found in common identities of the mentioned ethnic minority groups? What are the reasons for the existence of similarities and, above all, differences in the identities of Slovenian and Italian minorities? The interpretative comparative analysis is based on quantitative and qualitative data collected while conducting field research from 2006 to 2008. The observations presented in the article suggest that members of the mentioned minorities become aware of their ethnic or national affiliation relatively early in life, the realiyation of one's own "minority" identity usually either begins in early childhood or "has always been present". A feature that is specific of the collective (ethnic) identity of both minorities is an awareness of being different from the majority ethnicity with which they share the living environment, while at the same time being separated and different also from their "original" ethnicity. An important determinant of the differentiation of common identities in the dealt with minorities, which at the same time significantly defines the common identity of the Slovenian minority, is its distinctly "closed nature" or existence of more solid and less permeable ethnic borders and a greater need for and the actual expression of one's ethnic origin in their local environment. A lower permeability of ethnic borders is reflected in the incidence of ethnically mixed partnerships and families, in the prevalent contacts within the ethnic community, etc. On the whole, members of the Italian minority tend to express a greater collective confidence and a more positive self image. An important characteristic of both minority groups derives from the minority status per se, specifically the tendency to preserve their mother tongue, culture, tradition and customs. To sum up, apart from the mostly expected similarities, the research also revealed many differences. If the similarities in minorities' common identities stem from the minority status itself, the differences are primarily a consequence of specific socio-historical and political circumstances in which both minorities live and are active. Ključne besede: manjšine, etnične skupine, etnična identiteta, slovenska manjšina, italijanska manjšina Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3911; Prenosov: 72 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
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8. Učinki vstopa Slovenije v Evropsko unijo in schengenski prostor na položaj manjšin ob slovensko-italijanski mejiMirjam Rudl, 2009, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: slovenska manjšina, italijanska manjšina, Slovenija, Italija, Evropska unija, schengenski prostor, integracija, čezmejno sodelovanje, politična geografija, diplomska dela Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 4170; Prenosov: 102 Celotno besedilo (1,12 MB) |
9. Manjšine in medijiAdrijana Frank, 2010, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: italijanska manjšina v Sloveniji, narodne manjšine, etnična identiteta, množični mediji, manjšinski mediji, analiza diskurza, kritična diskurzivna analiza, diplomska dela Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 4798; Prenosov: 139 Celotno besedilo (1,11 MB) |