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Družbeno sprejemanje dojenja v javnosti: deskriptivna raziskava : diplomska naloga
Agnes Anja Deželak, 2021, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: dojenje, dojenje v javnosti, matere, javno mnenje
Objavljeno v RUP: 01.12.2021; Ogledov: 1492; Prenosov: 48
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Gradivo ima več datotek! Več...

Javnomnenjska podoba zdravstvene nege : diplomska naloga
Ana Burazor Trivunović, 2015, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: medicinske sestre, javno mnenje, podoba medicinskih sester
Objavljeno v RUP: 18.03.2019; Ogledov: 2548; Prenosov: 75
.pdf Celotno besedilo (941,24 KB)

Edward Bernays : propaganda in odnosi z javnostjo
Nataša Gjuričić, 2017, magistrsko delo

Ključne besede: propaganda, PR, Edward Bernays, manipulacija, javno mnenje, demokracija
Objavljeno v RUP: 20.04.2018; Ogledov: 7021; Prenosov: 203
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Gradivo ima več datotek! Več...

Medijske reprezentacije konoplje skozi čas : magistrsko delo
Valentina Umek, 2015, magistrsko delo

Ključne besede: konoplja, marihuana, javno mnenje, množični mediji, film, magistrske naloge
Objavljeno v RUP: 13.10.2015; Ogledov: 8537; Prenosov: 129
.pdf Celotno besedilo (3,68 MB)

"Češkoslovaško-italijanska mala vojna" : mednarodne razsežnosti prvega tržaškega procesa in reakcije na Češkoslovaškem
Borut Klabjan, 2006, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article presents the less known side of the First Trial of Trieste, undoubtedly one of the milestones in the history of Slovenes and Croatians in the Venezia Giulia region of that time. The execution of four Slovenes who had resorted to violence in resisting Fascist politics and were consequently sentenced to death by shooting, reverberated in the international public as well. Mussolini wanted to have done with the defendants completely; but not only that, the sensationalism of the trial had another, wider significance forthe Italian duce - his aim was to use the trial process to demonstrate the solidity of his regime. Such behaviour already hinted at more aggressive and unconcealed imperialistic politics of Italy in the Danube-Balkans area that would start taking its final shape in the 1930s. The illegal activities of the defendants have been treated by many historians already, and the trial itself has been the subject of various thorough studies so far; therefore, the present study chooses to lend special attention to the international extent of the trial, it being one of the events that had the strongest repercussions within the Yugoslav-Italian disputes in the period between the two world wars. In those weeks of 1930, the trial was covered by numerous newspapers. Since the process and especially the verdict made the greatest stir in Czechoslovakia, the study takes a more thorough look at the events taking place in and the opinions coming from this country. A large majority of the press manifestly condemned the Italian regime, taking the side of the 'Yugoslav minority', and the public, under the influence of the press, assumed a similar standpoint. Demonstrations and protests took place. Official politics, on the other hand, were more composed: Czechoslovak diplomacy, led by Beneš, apologized to the Italian government and within a few weeks silenced the anti-Italian campaign. In addition to numerous newspaper articles mentioned in the study, the information on the evaluation of the official politics is undoubtedly of the greatest interest. In his own report, the Czechoslovak Consul to Trieste, Krbec, related the reports by all the other diplomats present at the Trial as well. The death verdict gave rise to protests and demonstrations throughout Czechoslovakia, and the Slovenes also received support from the United States of America, especially in the form of memoranda. The newspaper campaign ended after a few weeks, but the grudges between the two states remained. This is partly evident from Mussolini's bearing in the following years, and when in 1938, along with western democracies, he consented to the takeover of the Czechoslovak border areas by Hitler's Germany.
Ključne besede: zgodovina, prvi tržaški proces, Češkoslovaška, Italija, fašizem, Trst, Primorska, mednarodna politika, javno mnenje
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3820; Prenosov: 44
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Pojem vpliv in krmiljenje javnomnenjskih procesov
Peter Sekloča, 2007, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article conceptualises influence in order to follow principles of open and egalitarian public discussion, which enables to test the integrative potential of influence; at the same time functional understanding of influenceas a steering medium is reflected as an opposing concept. One of the more innovative conceptualisations of influence has been presented by an American sociologist Leon Mayhew, who has combined Parsons' concept of influence as a steering medium and Habermas' concept of influence as a condensed form of communication. In Mayhew's theory the public opinion processis a self integrating functional system, in which influence is a steering medium, which steers decisions of the public with intrinsic sanctions. Here comes to the fore the discrepancy between two concepts of the public: between the two-step model of elite and passive public and between more egalitarian model of the public. It is of course possible to explain influence from the system point of view; however, it is assumed that in the egalitarian and free public sphere the agreement is not steered with sanctions and trust. The process will rather be driven with recognition of differences, as shows Moscovici's theory of social representations. From this perspective, antagonisms are the motor of the society and the cause of the communication in the public sphere. Mayhew's concept of influence is thus supplemented with a more dynamic conceptualisation of influence in which levers of persuasion even enhance communication. Namely, influence is the cause of conflict and in this case intrinsic sanctions do not automatize decisions of the members of the public. In the improved model, which presupposes free access to the public sphere, influence could not be conceptualized as a steering medium
Ključne besede: javno mnenje, vpliv, krmilni medij, konflikt
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3984; Prenosov: 59
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