1. UvodnikIrena Lazar, 2022, predgovor, uvodnik, spremna beseda Ključne besede: steklo, arheometrija, rimska doba, helenizem, srednji vek, arheologija Objavljeno v RUP: 03.11.2023; Ogledov: 796; Prenosov: 7 Celotno besedilo (199,77 KB) |
2. V kamen ujeta glasba : reliefno oblikovani spomeniki na področju Slovenije s tematiko glasbilIztok Žerjal, 2020, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: glasbila, glasba, kamniti spomeniki, reliefi, Rim, Grčija, rimska doba, Norik, Panonija, grška mitologija, magistrske naloge Objavljeno v RUP: 27.08.2020; Ogledov: 2405; Prenosov: 64 Celotno besedilo (1,85 MB) |
3. Rimske tegule na področju severozahodne Istre : doktorska disertacijaTina Kompare, 2015, doktorska disertacija Ključne besede: tegule, rimska doba, severozahodna Istra, metrične analize, naravoslovne analize, karta razprostranjenosti, proizvodni obrati, figlina, žig na teguli, rimska arhitektura, doktorske disertacije Objavljeno v RUP: 15.06.2020; Ogledov: 2848; Prenosov: 110 Celotno besedilo (17,42 MB) |
4. Rimsko steklo z arheološkega najdišča Školarice pri Spodnjih Škofijah : magistrsko deloAleksander Močibob, 2017, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: Istra, Školarice, Spodnje Škofije, arheološke najdbe, arheološka najdišča, rimska doba, vila rustika, rimsko steklo, oljenka, antika, arheologija, magistrske naloge Objavljeno v RUP: 15.06.2020; Ogledov: 2451; Prenosov: 81 Celotno besedilo (2,96 MB) |
5. Upodobitev rimske steklarske peči na oljenki : izjemna najdba iz Spodnjih ŠkofijIrena Lazar, 2006, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In 2002 and 2003, a rescue excavation along the route of the future motorway was carried out at Spodnje Škofije near Koper (Slovenia), at an archeological site named Križišče ('Crossroad'). Part of a Roman burial ground beside the Roman road (via Flavia Tergeste-Pola) was investigated. One of the cremation graves (no. 152) included an excellently preserved clay oil lamp with a representation of a glass furnace. The motif is the same as that on the only two other oil lamps depicting a glass furnace known so far - from Asseria (modern Benkovac, in Croatia) and Ferrara (in Italy). The new oil lamp has a disc decorated with a relief showing a glass furnace and to the left and right of it a glass-worker, one of whom is engaged in blowing while the other assists at the furnace. The representation is excellent and very well preserved, so that many details which are blurred in the other two lamps can be seen clearly. In the center is the furnace, divided into two sections. The lower one obviously serves as stoke hole; the opening is hatched diagonally. The upper section of the furnace has a larger aperture, of semi-circular form. This was used for scooping molten glass out of the melting pot. Inside the reliefline surrounding the upper opening or door appears a V-shaped object turned upside down. Possibly this schematic sketch draws attention to the working port's small door or fireguard which closed the working port while work was in progress. On the left and right in the upper part two small shelves or working surfaces are shown. The right one can be interpreted as the working surface or slab on which the glass blower rolled a glass post. The right-hand figure sits on a low stool beside the furnace, dressed in a short tunic. He is barefoot, as can be seen by the shortslanting incisions at the front of his foot. On the floor lie three objects, which can probably be interpreted as raw glass or waste material formed during his work. The person's head is raised and ready to blow into the pipe which he holds inclined in front of him. This is elliptically broadened at the end and draws attention to the oblong, rather big object that the glass-worker is blowing. The blowpipe is less than a metre long and looks quite robust. We can also observe, that something is attached to the underside of the pipe. If the blowpipe is not made of metal, but of clay, the long narrow strip tied to it may have served to reinforce the pipe while the glassblower blew a large, heavy object. The figure on the left side of the furnace seems to be squatting next to the furnace. He has a short object in his hands, placed upright. Colud it be a 'pointed' belows of the vertical type depicted on several Roman monuments depicting a smith at work? In that case, the strange, triangular shelf seen on the left side of the furnace probably represents the support for the belows. The oil lamp from the grave in Slovenia is by far the best preserved of all three lamps. Considering the composition and modest extent of the grave goods, this grave can be placed in the second half of the 1st century or perhaps also at the beginning of the 2nd century. Ključne besede: rimska doba, Spodnje Škofije, steklarstvo, oljenke, steklarska peč, pihanje stekla Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 4665; Prenosov: 41 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
6. Arheološke najdbe in dejavnosti L. K. Moserja v Ospu, Predloki in Črnem Kalu v istrski SlovenijiMatej Župančič, 2008, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: The article assesses the archaeological activity undertaken by the Trieste biologist Dr. L. K. Moser at the end of the 19th century in the vicinity of the villages of Osp, Črni Kal and Predloka located in Istrian Slovenia. The assessment is based on printed sources, L. K. Moser's manuscripts kept by the Austrian State Archives in Vienna and written and pictorial sources kept by the Civic Museum of History and Art and by the Civic Museum of Natural History in Trieste. On the basis of notes and fallow names carefully written down by Moser, the author of the article locates the sites from Moser's notes in the vicinity of Črni Kal using the relevant land register and cadastral plans. The drawings of inscribed Roman tombstones include an unidentified monument. The article also mentions Moser's co-operation with the village head Jožef Andrejašič who was undoubtedly the author of an unsigned archaeological notice published in 1899 in the Trieste newspaper Edinost Ključne besede: arheologija, Osp, Predloka, Črni Kal, istrska Slovenija, Moser, grobovi, prazgodovina, rimska doba, rimski napisi, glagolski napisi Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3419; Prenosov: 43 Povezava na celotno besedilo |