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Kratka zgodovina poliedrov : drugo učno gradivo
Jurij Kovič, 2020, drugo učno gradivo

Ključne besede: poliedri, zgodovina matematike
Objavljeno v RUP: 02.07.2020; Ogledov: 3023; Prenosov: 30
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Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783) - univerzalni matematik : drugo učno gradivo
Jurij Kovič, 2020, drugo učno gradivo

Ključne besede: Leonhard Euler, matematik, zgodovina matematike
Objavljeno v RUP: 02.07.2020; Ogledov: 2562; Prenosov: 22
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Logaritemsko računalo
Nada Razpet, 2006, samostojni strokovni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Ključne besede: zgodovina matematike, logaritemska funkcija, logaritmi
Objavljeno v RUP: 21.12.2015; Ogledov: 3904; Prenosov: 33
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Zaporedja, permutacije in kombinacije
Nada Razpet, 2006, samostojni strokovni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Ključne besede: zgodovina matematike, slovenski matematiki, diskretna matematika
Objavljeno v RUP: 21.12.2015; Ogledov: 2747; Prenosov: 16
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Pirančan Tartini s kombinacijskim tonom proti D'Alembertu
Stanislav Južnič, 2006, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article describes the achievements of the Piran violinist Tartini in mathematics and physics. It also speculates on the reasons why Tartini's original mathematical ideas have remained relatively little known, while his ideas in physics have come to represent one of the foundation stones of modern acoustics. In looking for possible causes preventing a greater influence of Tartini's ideas on the mathematics of his period we have studied the works of prominent contemporaries of Tartini, especially the mathematicians D'Alembert and Euler. Unfortunately, the lead mathematicians of his time published their mathematical studies of music parallel to Tartini, but on a higher professional level. With his mathematical knowledge, Tartini was not able to compete with them, irrespective of the depth of his ideas. He was thus rather disappointed at the unexpectedly lukewarm reception of his Treatise, published the same year mathematician Jurij Vega was born. The article points out another parallel between Tartini and Vega: they both cooperated with Paris astronomer, mathematician and freemason Lalande. Although Tartini aspired to glory in mathematics, he achieved it in physics. His research into the combination tone and other novelties in the theory of sound were fully corroborated, thanks to more improved experimental equipment, only a century after his death. Tartini's discoveries were cited with great respect by all prominent researchers of acoustics of the late 19th century, in particular by Helmholty and the Nobel Priye winner Rayleigh, confirming his importance in the field of the theory of sound.
Ključne besede: Tartini, Piran, Koper, Padova, kombinacijski ton, zgodovina akustike, zgodovina matematike
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3089; Prenosov: 40
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Kako otroci stari od 1 do 3 let razumejo količino
Tina Marinčič, 2013, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: otrokov razvoj, zgodovina matematike, matematika v vrtcu, pojem količine
Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 5152; Prenosov: 213
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,04 MB)

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