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Economic Statistics : Study Guide
Borut Kodrič, 2023, other educational material

Abstract: The study guide is designed to introduce students to the main concepts used by statisticians and economists to measure economic phenomena, while emphasizing the practical applications of these concepts in real-world scenarios. The study guide describes how the production of economic statistics is organised, who are the main data producers, what are the main databases available over the Internet and how can the quality of statistics be assessed. Thanks to this study guide, students will better understand where to find and how to use statistics on national accounts, government’s public deficit and debt, short-term economic indicators, international trade and globalisation, labour market, prices and inflation, etc.
Keywords: economic statistics, index numbers, price statistics, demographic statistics, labour force statistics, labour market statistics, short-term business indicators, national accounts, productivity analysis
Published in RUP: 13.04.2023; Views: 2210; Downloads: 53
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Political Philosophy : Study notes for the Philosophy course, MA in Political Sciences – International relation end economic diplomacy. First edition.
Simona Kustec, Andreja Pegan, other educational material

Abstract: The structure of the study material is based on the lecture and seminar notes that have been prepared for the students of the MA study programme of Political Sciences – International relations and economic diplomacy at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management. Study material is structured into six parts. The first part is devoted to the introduction to philosophy, encompassing elementary definitions and descriptions of its branches, with a special emphasis made to political philosophy. In the second part, the historically main leading political thinkers and their thoughts are presented, being further on theoretically comprehensively presented through main political philosophical concepts (in the third part of the study material) and political ideologies in the fourth part. The fifth part is devoted to the presentation of the main virtues of the so called non-Western political ideologies and their thoughts. The last, sixth part is a compendium of cited and recommended fundamental references of the topics and issues of political philosophy study manuals. The purpose of these notes is to complement lectures and students’ readings.
Keywords: political philosophy, history of political thought, political philosophers, political ideologies and concepts, political philosophy in non-Western world
Published in RUP: 24.01.2023; Views: 1382; Downloads: 0
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Karierni razvoj: teorije, metodologije in prakse : Študijsko gradivo pri predmetu Karierni razvoj. Prva izdaja
Simona Kustec, 2022, other educational material

Abstract: Gradivo je v prvi vrsti namenjeno študentom višješolskega in visokošolskega programa pri predmetu Karierni razvoj na Fakulteti za management Univerze na Primorskem. Razdeljeno je v tri večje sklope, ki zajemajo teoretski, metodološki in praktični del. V teoretskem delu so predstavljene temeljne opredelitve, zgodovina, teorije in modeli. Drugi delu gradiva je oprt na številnih podatkovnih dejstvih ter opisih primerov iz t.i. nezahodnih predelov sveta. Bistveni namen takšnega pristopa je študente vpeljati v svet realnega vsakodnevnega delovanja. Kot zaključni del gradiva služijo temeljna navodila osnovnih vaj za utrjevanje predhodno prikazane snovi ter nabor izhodiščne mednarodne znanstvene ter strokovne literature in virov s področja kariernega razvoja.
Keywords: kariera, karierni razvoj, teorije, modeli, metodologija, praksa, management, zgodovina, delo, izobraževanje, država
Published in RUP: 07.11.2022; Views: 1623; Downloads: 83
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Supplementary material for paper The missing link between wages and labour productivity in tourism : evidence from Croatia and Slovenia
Sergej Gričar, Violeta Sugar, Štefan Bojnec, 2020, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: The present article aims to analyse wage-labour productivity cau-salities in Croatia and Slovenia using cointegration methods basedon monthly time series data of variables for labour productivityand real gross wages in tourism industry during the periodDecember 1999%January 2020. The data vector is integrated bychain indices with the constant base January 2000%100. A sto-chastic trend and shocks are covered in the analysis. Shocks arelinked to the European Union accession, and economic crisis fol-lowing with overwhelmed tourist arrivals. The contribution of theresearch is two-fold. First, the equations for at most normal dis-tributed variables of labour productivity and real wages in tourismare exposed. Three spatial cointegration relations confirm labourproductivity integrity of the regional tourism market. Second,pair-wise causalities indicate one cointegrated vector for labourproductivity, which drives real gross wages in tourism sub-indus-tries. These results suggest that for a higher non-seasonal assess-ment of real gross wage, the labour productivity should rise, i.e.less workers, more robotization or more tourist arrivals with betterquality solutions. These findings are at most important to beimplemented after the COVID-19 infection crisis with expectedrestructurings and digital transformation in the tourism industry.
Keywords: Croatia, error correction model (ECM), real grosswage, labour productivity, Slovenia, vector error correction model (VECM)
Published in RUP: 14.12.2020; Views: 1822; Downloads: 214
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The missing link between wages and labour productivity in tourism : evidence from Croatia and Slovenia
Sergej Gričar, Violeta Sugar, Štefan Bojnec, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The present article aims to analyse wage-labour productivity cau-salities in Croatia and Slovenia using cointegration methods basedon monthly time series data of variables for labour productivityand real gross wages in tourism industry during the periodDecember 1999%January 2020. The data vector is integrated bychain indices with the constant base January 2000%100. A sto-chastic trend and shocks are covered in the analysis. Shocks arelinked to the European Union accession, and economic crisis fol-lowing with overwhelmed tourist arrivals. The contribution of theresearch is two-fold. First, the equations for at most normal dis-tributed variables of labour productivity and real wages in tourismare exposed. Three spatial cointegration relations confirm labourproductivity integrity of the regional tourism market. Second,pair-wise causalities indicate one cointegrated vector for labourproductivity, which drives real gross wages in tourism sub-indus-tries. These results suggest that for a higher non-seasonal assess-ment of real gross wage, the labour productivity should rise, i.e.less workers, more robotization or more tourist arrivals with betterquality solutions. These findings are at most important to beimplemented after the COVID-19 infection crisis with expectedrestructurings and digital transformation in the tourism industry.
Keywords: Croatia, error correction model (ECM), real grosswage, labour productivity, Slovenia, vector error correction model (VECM)
Published in RUP: 10.12.2020; Views: 1978; Downloads: 40
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Agricultural households in mountain areas in pre- and post-accession Slovenia
Štefan Bojnec, Kristina Knific, 2010, review article

Abstract: This paper analyses structural changes in agriculture and agricultural households in the mountainous areas of the Gorenjska region in Slovenia. The focus is on agricultural multifunctional roles, agricultural and agricultural households’ structural changes pre- and post-accession of Slovenia to the European Union (EU) on the basis of datasets obtained by two in-depth surveys from 2001 and 2007. The analyses confirm adjustments of farm households to the use of subsidies and new regulations, and diversification of agricultural households’ incomes. Short-term and long-term strategies of farm households vary depending on farms’ natural factor endowments for agriculture, farm size and structures of farm households, availability of agricultural land and their rental values, diversification of incomes with self-employment and employment outside the farm household.
Keywords: Slovenija, Gorenjska, gorska območja, kmetijstvo, prihodki, razvoj, Evropska unija
Published in RUP: 20.04.2018; Views: 3524; Downloads: 24
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Psychosocial factors in the development of low back pain among professional drivers
Friderika Kresal, Tine Bertoncel, Maja Meško, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and purpose: Professional drivers as a group are exposed to high risk of developing low back pain due to ergonomic factors and work conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine to what extent the low back pain occurs among Slovene professional drivers as a result of the development of various psychosocial factors. Methodology: The study involved 275 respondents (professional bus drivers, car/van drivers, international truck/ lorry drivers, and ambulance car drivers). Hypotheses were tested using multivariate statistical method (regression analysis) and analysis of variance. Data were collected by structured questionnaire comprised of three parts: socio-demographic data, basic psychosocial factors causing low back pain, and incidence, duration and severity of low back pain as a result of psychosocial risk factors, was implemented. Results: The results of quantitative survey suggest that low back pain is mostly caused by lifting and carrying heavy loads, inadequate working conditions, poor physical fitness, regular nights out, shift work, and stress. Only the impact of gender on low back pain distress among professional drivers was confirmed, predominantly among bus drivers and lorry drivers on international routes. Low back pain occurrence was less common, albeit not statistically significant, among professional drivers of vans and passenger cars. Conclusion: Our study suggests that psychosocial factors are also important cause for the development of low back pain among professional drivers and can limit the quality of their social and professional lives.
Keywords: low back pain, psychosocial factors, professional drivers, prevention, Slovenia
Published in RUP: 24.01.2018; Views: 3134; Downloads: 157
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Outline of implemented eco-innovation activities : the case of clusters of South Eastern European region
Jana Hojnik, Mitja Ruzzier, Aleš Lipnik, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and Purpose: Providing a win-win situation for enterprises and the environment is raising the importance of eco-innovation. This article sheds light on the eco-innovation activities implemented within the clusters of the South Eastern European region (hereafter the SEE region). The main objective of this paper is to provide an outline of the situation pertaining to the implementation of eco-innovation activities in analyzed clusters. Methodology: Empirical evidence is provided through the performance of survey research with a sample of 52 clusters, encompassing 11 countries of the SEE region. The basic research method used in this research was a questionnaire developed for cluster organizations, with which we gathered the data and afterwards conducted descriptive statistics. Results: The findings demonstrate that the majority of analyzed clusters implement eco-innovation activities. The results indicate that 40 clusters out of 52 in all have set objectives with regard to eco-innovation support in their national or regional programs, followed by 35 clusters, which include objectives related to eco-innovation in their cluster strategies, and lastly, only 15 clusters are primarily focused on eco-innovation. Hence, our study depicting the current situation regarding the implementation of eco-innovation activities in analyzed clusters and clusters% orientation towards eco-innovation leads to us the discussion of why such differences in clusters occur. Conclusion: The huge differences related to the implementation of eco-innovation activities in clusters of the SEE region, can also reflect the level of the national/regional development in terms of economic indicators such as GDP and, at the same time, offer room for a lot of improvement, and an exchange of best practice.
Keywords: eco-innovation, clusters, SEE region
Published in RUP: 24.01.2018; Views: 2788; Downloads: 132
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