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Samopodoba in ukvarjanje s športom pri učencih šestega razreda osnovne šole
Špela Virag, Petra Dolenc, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Namen raziskave je bil preučiti povezanost med različnimi področji samopodobe in športno aktivnostjo osnovnošolcev. V vzorec smo vključili 109 učencev šestega razreda različnih slovenskih osnovnih šol, ki so izpolnili Lestvico samozaznave za otroke (Self- Perception Profile for Children % SPPC). Ugotovili smo, da se učenci v splošnem pozitivno ocenjujejo v vseh sestavinah samopodobe, obstajajo pa statistično pomembne razlike med spoloma v samoocenah na nekaterih področjih. Fantje v primerjavi z dekleti izkazujejo višjo samopodobo v zunanjem videzu in športni kompetenci, dekleta pa se bolje ocenjujejo v vedenju. Redno in organizirano športno aktivni učenci se v primerjavi s športno neaktivnimi vrstniki pomembno višje ocenjujejo v šolski kompetenci in športni kompetenci. Dobljeni rezultati v veliki meri potrjujejo pomen gibalne/športne aktivnosti v procesu oblikovanja samopodobe in lahko služijo kot usmeritev pri spodbujanju aktivnega življenjskega sloga mladih.
Ključne besede: samopodoba, športna aktivnost, spol, osnovnošolci, Lestvica samozaznave za otroke
Objavljeno v RUP: 02.04.2017; Ogledov: 5117; Prenosov: 52
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Pričakovanja vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok, vezana na njihov profesionalni razvoj
Maja Hmelak, Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: V prispevku želimo osvetliti vzgojiteljev profesionalni razvoj z vidika njegovih strokovnih in osebnih pričakovanj. V prvem delu na kratko predstavljamo sodobne težnje po vse večji profesionalnosti vzgojitelja predšolskih otrok, na kar se navezujejo tudi njegova (vedno večja) lastna pričakovanja. V nadaljevanju se osredotočimo na izsledke empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvajali na vzorcu 616 slovenskih in hrvaških študentov predšolske vzgoje in vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok. Tovrstne analize razkrivajo obstoj vrste zanimivih (pričakovanih/nepričakovanih) podobnosti in razlik v pričakovanjih vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok o njihovem profesionalnem razvoju glede na osebo (vzgojitelj, študent), spol (moški, ženski), status (novinci, uveljavljeni, izkušeni) in državo (Slovenija, Hrvaška).
Ključne besede: predšolska vzgoja, predšolski otroci, vzgojitelji, profesionalni razvoj
Objavljeno v RUP: 02.04.2017; Ogledov: 2505; Prenosov: 69
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Izzivi pouka v inkluzivnem učnem okolju
Majda Cencič, 2015, objavljeni strokovni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)

Ključne besede: inkluzija, učno okolje, interaktivno okolje, učni stili, učitelji, vzgoja, učne vsebine
Objavljeno v RUP: 08.08.2016; Ogledov: 4124; Prenosov: 98
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The definition of sports management
Iztok Retar, Rado Pišot, Edvard Kolar, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: management, šport, koordinacija, manager, management, sport, coordination, manager
Objavljeno v RUP: 08.08.2016; Ogledov: 3300; Prenosov: 67
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Physical self-concept in slovenian adolescents: differences by gender and sports participation
Petra Dolenc, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The aim of the study was to examine the multidimensional physical self-concept among Slovenian adolescent males and females in relation to participation in sports. Three hundred and twenty participants aged between 13 and 18 were included in the study. The Slovenian version of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) was used to measure the participants' physical self-concept. The results of the multivariate analysis of variance indicated that sport participants had significantly higher scores on almost all the PSDQ subscales than non-sport participants. Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that sports participation is associated with a more positive physical self-concept and greater self-esteem among adolescents. The findings confirm the existence of gender differences in the physical self-concept of adolescents, but it should be stressed that these differences are smaller in sport participants than non-sport participants. The results might be useful to reflect on effective physical education and sports programs in order to promote a more active and healthy lifestyle among adolescents.
Ključne besede: telesna samopodoba, mladostniki, spol, šport, physical self-concept, adolescents, gender, sport
Objavljeno v RUP: 08.08.2016; Ogledov: 3969; Prenosov: 108
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Institutional work in total institutions and the perspective of the persons that have lived in residential treatment institutions
Mitja Krajnčan, Boštjan Bajželj, 2015, strokovni članek

Opis: Institutional work includes all kinds of psychosocial assistance that offers, to people that need them, living environments and immediate environments adapted to their age, problems, disorders, and state. The diversity and dilemmas of institutional work represent the central theoretical discourse that the authors are researching in the explanations of the total institution, the exact answers regarding the help the youth that involuntarily find themselves in such institutions receive. The continued development of the discourse logically proceeds into deinstitutionalisation. Semi-structured interviews of adults that have spent their youth in such institutions represent the empirical part of the research. Extreme psychosocial pressures make the youth deviate away from goal orientation and the purpose of the institutions% operations. So, additionally, the authors have gathered a collection of good and bad experiences to bring attention to the many imperfections that should not be self-evident. The key problems that people that have stayed in such institutions a decade ago would like to give light to are the non-existence of logic and specific learning and practical competences that would benefit them in the life outside of the institution. They also stressed the lack of using the quality relations that had been established in the institution as support in post-treatment.
Ključne besede: vzgojni zavodi, vzgojne ustanove, delo v zavodih, zdravljenje, institutional work, total institutions, residential, treatment, institutions
Objavljeno v RUP: 08.08.2016; Ogledov: 3612; Prenosov: 106
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Institutional work in total institutions and the perspective of the persons that have lived in residential treatment institutions
Mitja Krajnčan, Boštjan Bajželj, 2015, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)

Opis: Institutional work includes all kinds of psychosocial assistance that offers, to people that need them, living environments and immediate environments adapted to their age, problems, disorders, and state. The diversity and dilemmas of institutional work represent the central theoretical discourse that the authors are researching in the explanations of the total institution, the exact answers regarding the help the youth that involuntarily find themselves in such institutions receive. The continued development of the discourse logically proceeds into deinstitutionalisation. Semi-structured interviews of adults that have spent their youth in such institutions represent the empirical part of the research. Extreme psychosocial pressures make the youth deviate away from goal orientation and the purpose of the institutions' operations. So, additionally, the authors have gathered a collection of good and bad experiences to bring attention to the many imperfections that should not be self-evident. The key problems that people that have stayed in such institutions a decade ago would like to give light to are the non-existence of logic and specific learning and practical competences that would benefit them in the life outside of the institution. They also stressed the lack of using the quality relations that had been established in the institution as support in post-treatment.
Ključne besede: vzgojne ustanove, vzgojni zavodi, delo v zavodih, zdravljenej, institutional work, total institution, residential, treatment, institutions
Objavljeno v RUP: 08.08.2016; Ogledov: 3332; Prenosov: 87
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