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Odnos do podnebnih sprememb in inovacijske dejavnosti slovenskih in avstrijskih podjetij v gozdno-lesnem sektorju, 2021
Ana Slavec, Miguel Moreno Torres, Tobias Stern, 2022, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: Raziskava o odnosu slovenskih in avstrijskih podjetij do podnebnih sprememb in njihovih inovacijskih aktivnostih. Namen raziskave je bil razumeti vpliv podnebnih sprememb na podjetja v gozdno-lesnem sektorju, odnos podjetij do podnebnih sprememb in njihovo motivacijo za delovanje v zvezi s podnebnimi spremembami ter kako podnebne spremembe podjetja spodbujajo k razvoju novih strategij, postopkov ali produktov. Podatkovna datoteka je v angleškem jeziku in zajema tudi podatke o podjetjih iz drugih administrativnih virov: register (SI) in (AT). Podatki se nanašajo na različna časovna obdobja, in sicer na sedanjost (čas izvajanja ankete) in preteklost (obdobje 2016-2018 ali obdobje 2018 do 2020).
Keywords: podatki, lesarstvo, podjetja, inovacije
Published in RUP: 13.12.2023; Views: 1333; Downloads: 22
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Dal gioco ad un percorso di apprendimento didattico integrato su Capodistria
Burra Aleksandro, other educational material

Abstract: Gradivo za vaje pri predmetu Didaktika družbene vede I v italij. jeziku na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze na Primorskem v študijskem letu 2022/23. Prek aktivnih didaktičnih pristopov in igre želimo v otrocih vzbuditi veselje do pridobivanja novih znanj o Kopru.
Keywords: Didaktika, igra, Koper
Published in RUP: 25.04.2023; Views: 1085; Downloads: 19
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Teaching gifted and talented children in a new educational era
2018, professional monograph

Abstract: Promotion of giftedness is the development of an individual's potential taking into account their environment and personal character traits. However, while extracurricular enrichment activities, pull-out courses and other didactic interventions focus on the individual's potential, personalization in regular classrooms is still an area in need of improvement in school systems worldwide.
Published in RUP: 06.11.2021; Views: 1832; Downloads: 48
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Book of abstracts : editors: Bojan Lazar, Matic Jančič
2018, other monographs and other completed works

Published in RUP: 17.07.2019; Views: 2576; Downloads: 135
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Prof. dr. Jože Štirn, dobitnik NIB-ove nagrade za življenjsko delo
Vlado Malačič, Jadran Faganeli, Janez Forte, 2012, other component parts

Abstract: Prof. dr. Jože Štirn, dobitnik NIB-ove nagrade za življenjsko delo
Keywords: znanstvene revije, Annales series historia naturalis, življenjepisi, Jože Štirn, Zeieve nagrade, Slovenija, naravoslovje
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 3628; Downloads: 43
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Diverzifikacija morskega ribištva v turistično dejavnost na slovenski obali
Tanja Mihalič, Gorazd Sedmak, Saša Planinc, Janez Bogataj, Matic Jeločnik Pelicon, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Diverzifikacija morskega ribištva v turistično dejavnost na slovenski obali
Keywords: turizem, ribištvo, diverzifikacija dejavnosti, slovenska obala, Obala, Slovenija
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 3288; Downloads: 36
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Compilation of the first Slovene contemporary dictionary of abbreviations
Mojca Kompara Lukančič, 2015, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: slovar, krajšave, slovenščina, dictionary, abbreviations, Slovene
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 3696; Downloads: 112
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Preparation of two-component polyurethane coatings from bleached liquefied wood
Arnaud Maxime Cheumani-Yona, Franc Budija, David Hrastnik, Matjaž Pavlič, Pavel Pori, Črtomir Tavzes, Marko Petrič, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Liquefied wood-based polyurethane wood coatings of an aesthetically acceptable light colour were prepared and characterised. Liquefied black poplar wood was obtained by solvolysis in a polyethylene glycol/glycerol mixture, and it was bleached with hydrogen peroxide. The bleaching treatment converted liquefied wood from a dark brown to a yellowish product. Polyurethane films were prepared by the curing of liquefied wood with polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate or trimethylolpropane toluene diisocyanate prepolymer (TMP/TDI) isocyanate-type hardeners. It was found that the selected properties of the films prepared from the bleached liquefied wood were, in general, equivalent to those prepared from unbleached liquefied wood. The mechanical properties of the films obtained with the TMP/TDI curing agent were acceptable for wood coating applications. The initial poor resistance of the films to water and ethanol was substantially improved by the addition of n-octyltriethoxysilane to the liquefied wood prior to the preparation of the polyurethane coatings; the hardness of the films also increased.
Keywords: utekočinjen les, poliuretanski premaz, les, beljenje
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 4356; Downloads: 134
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