1. Heritage and education : teaching materials for lecturesZrinka Mileusnić, 2025 Abstract: The teaching materials for the Heritage and Education course of the two-subject bachelor’s degree programme in Cultural Heritage contain materials that students use independently in their studies and in the context of exercises.
The materials are designed for use in the classroom, at home and in the field and for a combination of research, group and self-directed work with the aim of learning about and critically evaluating heritage education at different levels and in different forms of education.
The teaching materials provide an overview of the basic topics related to heritage education, while the exercises allow students to become familiar with the research approach and offer a starting point for their first research steps in the field of heritage education. Published in RUP: 09.01.2025; Views: 259; Downloads: 3
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2. Dediščina in izobraževanje : učna gradiva za predavanjaZrinka Mileusnić, 2025, other educational material Abstract: Učna gradiva za predmet Dediščina in izobraževanje na dvopredmetnem dodiplomskem študijskem programu Kulturna dediščina vsebujejo gradiva, ki jih študenti samostojno uporabljajo pri študiju in pod mentorstvom izvajalca uporabljajo v okviru vaj.
Gradiva so namenjena za uporabo v predavalnici, doma in na terenu in kombinaciji raziskovalnega, skupinskega in samostojnega vodenega dela s ciljem spoznavanja in kritičnega vrednotenja izobraževanja o dediščini na različnih nivojih in v okviru različnih oblik izobraževanja.
Učna gradiva obsegajo pregled osnovnih tem povezanih z izobraževanjem o dediščini, vaje pa študentom omogočajo spoznavanje raziskovalnega pristopa in ponujajo izhodišča za prve raziskovalne korake na področju izobraževanja o dediščini. Published in RUP: 09.01.2025; Views: 264; Downloads: 3
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3. Pokopavanje v koprskih samostanih : zaključno deloNika Kragelj, 2024, undergraduate thesis Keywords: arheologija, zgodovina, Koper, srednji vek, novi vek, pokopavanje, samostani, literatura, zaključna dela Published in RUP: 11.12.2024; Views: 247; Downloads: 3
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