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4. Dejavniki tveganja za nastanek padcev v starosti : diplomska nalogaPetra Krapež, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: diplomske naloge, starostnik, institucionalno varstvo, padci, poškodbe, elderly, institutionalised nursing, injuries Published in RUP: 18.03.2019; Views: 2934; Downloads: 106 Full text (261,32 KB) |
5. Vadba starostnikov v institucionalnem varstvu: učinek trimesečnega vadbenega programa za izbrane spremenljivke telesne zmogljivosti starostnikov : diplomska nalogaAnja Andrenšek, 2017, undergraduate thesis Keywords: starostniki, gibalna(športna aktivnost, priporočila, vadba, staranje, elderly, motor/sport activity, recommendations, exercise, ageing Published in RUP: 07.06.2018; Views: 4201; Downloads: 0 |
6. The use of Pangea training devices in the theme park for physical activity of elderly in recreational sports center Bonifika in KoperMarko Vidnjevič, Urška Gašperin, 2015, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: starostniki, rekreacija, kvaliteta življenja, anketna raziskava, elderly, recreation, outdoor training devices, quality of life, questionnaires Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3293; Downloads: 56 Link to full text |
7. Exercise in sedentary elderlies : effects on muscle trophism and MCU expressionSandra Zampieri, Simone Mosole, Stefan Loefler, Hannah Fruhmann, Samantha Burggraf, Antonio Musarň, Marco Sandri, Jan Cvecka, Dušan Hamar, Milan Sedliak, Nejc Šarabon, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: elderly, physical activity, muscle Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 3632; Downloads: 49 Link to full text |
8. Suicide and euthanasia in late lifeDiego De Leo, Kym Spathonis, 2003, review article Keywords: samomor s pomočjo, starostniki, evtanazija, samomor, dejavniki tveganja za samomor, transkulturne primerjave, assisted suicide, elderly, euthanasia, risk factors for suicide, transcultural comparisons Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 4282; Downloads: 132 Link to full text |
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10. Breaking down taboos concerning sexuality among the elderlyDoroteja Rebec, Igor Karnjuš, Sabina Ličen, Katarina Babnik, 2015, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: tabuji, spolnost, seksualnost, starejši, zdravstveni delavci, domovi starejših, sexuality, elderly, nursing homes, attitudes, nursing care professions Published in RUP: 13.10.2015; Views: 4667; Downloads: 378 Link to full text |