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English is not enough
Igor Rižnar, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: angleščina, tuji jeziki, poučevanje, mala in srednje velika podjetja, ELAN study, english-language arts network, SMEs, language management strategy, foreign language skills
Published in RUP: 13.10.2015; Views: 3722; Downloads: 79
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Pre-service teachers' attitude towards learning and teaching English to young learners
Silva Bratož, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Considerable attention has recently been invested into researching the influence of affective variables, such as attitudes and motivation on foreign language learning and teaching. The topic is timely and relevant especially at the time when English is being introduced as an obligatory subject in the first cycle of primary school in Slovenia. Two key issues are addressed: attitudes towards learning and teaching English as a foreign language and the profile of the young learners' language teacher. The article presents the results of a small-scale research conducted with a group of primary education students on their attitudes towards learning and teaching English. The results suggest that trainee teachers have moderately positive attitudes towards learning English but diverse attitudes towards teaching a foreign language.
Keywords: English as a foreign language, pre-service teachers, attitudes, motivation, young language learners
Published in RUP: 13.10.2015; Views: 4201; Downloads: 79
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Students' attitudes towards their EFL lessons and teachers: a retrospective study
Mojca Žefran, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: The article investigates attitudes towards English as a foreign language (EFL) by focusing on retrospective accounts of higher-education students' experience with learning English. The first part looks at individual factors affecting foreign language (FL) learning, such as attitudes towards FL learning and FL anxiety. The second part presents the results of a study conducted among students of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Primorska. The main aim of the study was to identify students' attitudes towards their past EFL lessons and teachers and students' FL anxiety level. The results show that anxiety is a serious problem and that students exhibit alarmingly negative attitudes towards EFL lessons and teachers.
Keywords: learning anxiety, foreign language anxiety, attitudes towards foreign language instruction, attitudes towards EFL teachers, English language
Published in RUP: 13.10.2015; Views: 4890; Downloads: 83
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English as a foreign language learning strategies used by croatian learners
Neala Ambrosi-Randić, Moira Kostić-Bobanović, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article the authoresses explore the differences in use of language speaking strategies between successful and less successful learners in different English as a foreign language (EFL) education levels. A total of 638 Croatian learners took part in this exploratory study: 329 primary and 309 secondary school learners. All the subjects learned EFL as a compulsory school subject. The main findings suggested that successful learners reported significantly more use of memory, cognitive, metacognitive and social strategies, whereas less successful learners reported significantly more use of compensational strategies
Keywords: language learning, speaking strategies, successful learners, English, foreign language
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3297; Downloads: 34
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