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Mathematical aspects of fullerenes
Vesna Andova, František Kardoš, Riste Škrekovski, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Fullerene graphs are cubic, 3-connected, planar graphs with exactly 12 pentagonal faces, while all other faces are hexagons. Fullerene graphs are mathematical models of fullerene molecules, i.e., molecules comprised only by carbon atoms different than graphites and diamonds. We give a survey on fullerene graphs from our perspective, which could be also considered as an introduction to this topic. Different types of fullerene graphs are considered, their symmetries, and construction methods. We give an overview of some graph invariants that can possibly correlate with the fullerene molecule stability, such as: the bipartite edge frustration, the independence number, the saturation number, the number of perfect matchings, etc.
Ključne besede: fullerene, cubic graph, planar graph, topological indices
Objavljeno v RUP: 02.01.2022; Ogledov: 1265; Prenosov: 18
.pdf Celotno besedilo (626,25 KB)

On cyclic edge-connectivity of fullerenes
Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: A graph is said to be cyclically ▫$k$▫-edge-connected, if at least ▫$k$▫ edges must be removed to disconnect it into two components, each containing a cycle. Such a set of ▫$k$▫ edges is called a cyclic-k-edge cutset and it is called a trivial cyclic-k-edge cutset if at least one of the resulting two components induces a single ▫$k$▫-cycle. It is known that fullerenes, that is, 3-connected cubic planar graphs all of whose faces are pentagons and hexagons, are cyclically 5-edge-connected. In this article it is shown that a fullerene ▫$F$▫ containing a nontrivial cyclic-5-edge cutset admits two antipodal pentacaps, that is, two antipodal pentagonal faces whose neighboring faces are also pentagonal. Moreover, it is shown that ▫$F$▫ has a Hamilton cycle, and as a consequence at least ▫$15 \cdot 2^{n/20-1/2}$▫ perfect matchings, where ▫$n$▫ is the order of ▫$F$▫.
Ključne besede: graph, fullerene graph, cyclic edge-connectivity, hamilton cycle, perfect matching
Objavljeno v RUP: 02.04.2017; Ogledov: 2639; Prenosov: 141
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