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Improving the use of e-learning in health care curricula : presentation of best practices
Patrik Pucer, Boštjan Žvanut, Damjan Vavpotič, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: E-learning is nowadays included in different health care curricula. However, this learning and teaching approach is still relatively underused in the health care study programmes. Hence, the goal of this article is to present three e-learning best practices in health care, which were validated in our previous projects/studies.First best practice, e-learning practice contents for the development of critical thinking, presents the approach which resulted in significant (p<0.001) raise in the number of discussion posts (+12.2%) for which the opinions and conclusions of the participants were justified with valid arguments. Furthermore, also the survey results showed that students achieve critical thinking skills with these contents. Second best practice, inclusion of the health care students in the development of e-contents, also resulted as a valid approach for improving the use of e-learning in health care curricula, which was confirmed by the expert opinion and e-contents final users. Finally, third best practice, our approach for evaluation and comparison of e-learning and traditional pedagogical elements value by health care students and teachers, was confirmed in the interview with the management as a valid approach that helps the management to identify whether previous elearning initiatives and activities were successful. Best practices, presented in this paper, represent the evidence that the use of modern information and communication technologies should be considered in the future as a serious requisite in health care study programmes. The broader community interested in the e-learning initiative should prepare a list of similar best practices, validate its effectiveness and prepare guidelines for their optimal implementation..
Keywords: e-learning, health care, best practices
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 4156; Downloads: 204
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Balancing equity and efficiency through health care policies in Slovenia during the period 1990-2008
Tit Albreht, Niek Klazinga, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: Ozadje: Zdravstvena reforma v Sloveniji leta 1992 je imela pet glavnih ciljev - uvedbo sistema socialnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja in sistema doplačil za različne zdravstvene storitve, uvedbo zasebnega dela v zdravstvenem varstvu, prenos funkcij načrtovanja in nadzora z države na zbornice in občine ter uvedbo licenciranja in obnavljanja licenc za zdravstvene delavce. Metode: Zaradi osredotočenja na reforme sistema financiranja smo opravili opisno in eksplorativna analiza splošnih demografskih, ekonomskih, splošno- ter zdravstveno-finančnih podatkov. Predstavili smo tudi splošne populacijske kazalce zdravja za celotno opazovano obdobje. Širši zdravstveno politični kontekst smo ovrednotili s pomočjo metode opazovanja ob sodelovanju skozi celotno obdobje ter z uporabo polstrukturiranih intervjujev s ključnimi oblikovalci zdravstvene politike v letu 2001 kot vmesno analizo stanja. Rezultati: Pretvorba zdravstvenega sistema v Sloveniji je privedla do stabilnega financiranja zdravstvenega varstva na ravni okrog 8,5 % BDP. Tak rezultat smo dosegli na račun zmanjšanja deleža, financiranega iz javnih sredstev, kar smo delno nadomestili z dopolnilnim zdravstvenim zavarovanjem, delno pa z zasebnimi izdatki. Zasebni izdatki so povečali regresivnost sistema, kar smo delno zmanjšali z izravnalnimi shemami, delno pa s subvencioniranjem dopolnilnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja za najbolj finančno ogrožene. Zaključki: Tranzicija zdravstvenega sistema v Sloveniji se je odvijala v obdobju ugodnih ekonomskih razmer, kar je omogočilo stabilno financiranje sistema zdravstvenega varstva in omejilo zmogljivosti izvajalcev zdravstvene dejavnosti. Tako okolje je pomembno vplivalo na izboljšanje splošnih razmer za zdravje prebivalstva in je zmanjšalo pritiske na nov sistem. Prejšnji sistem se je pretvoril v mešani sistem socialnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja, zasnovan na močnem osrednjem zavarovalcu. Sedanja shema financiranja ne bo zdržala dolgo zaradi demografskih trendov in drugih dejavnikov, ki povečujejo nekrite potrebe po zdravstvenem varstvu.
Keywords: health system reform, health care financing, health insurance
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3765; Downloads: 154
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