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Devianza sessuale e imperativi genealogici : il caso di Margherita Farnese
Valeria Finucci, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper examines the case of Margherita Farnese, whose marriage to Duke Vincenzo Gonzaga in 1581 had to be annulled because of a problematic sexual anatomy. As the the body of a rich, young and appropriately chaste princess suddenly started to be perceived as deviant so doctors from various courts converged to Mantua and Parma to give their opinion on what makes a female body typical. In working through the problematics of normal/subversive, I will discuss the medical discovery (actually, recovery) in the Renaissance of specific information about constitutive parts of the female sexual apparatus, the Church's take on what makes a marriage valid; the politicians' need to guarantee an ordered successionč and the cultural hysteria coming from an inconvenient 'hyster'
Keywords: chastity, virginity, body malformation, valid marriage, Acquapendente, sexuality
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3190; Downloads: 12
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Il reato di bigamia nella Repubblica di Venezia da un processo del 1630
Claudia Andreato, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: In 17th century Venice bigamy represented a crime of exogamy and mobility with a subversive power against the constituted social order. The offence often involved male and female figures (in trial documents found in the roles of both victims or defendants) that could hardly be included in one of the most common social schemes: the victims were frequently implicitly aware of the risk of getting married to a person with an unknown past; the defendants would deny their identities in order to construct others; and finally, the witnesses seemed to cover with a veil of silence the "individual" choices that concealed behaviour often regarded as deviant. Hence, the rhetoric that animated the trial narrative reflected the multifaceted characteristics attributed to the offence and its protagonists on one hand, and on the other the attempt of the secular and ecclesiastical authorities to preserve the set of moral and religious values in the society of that time
Keywords: bigamy, mobility, victim, marriage, rhetoric, society
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3381; Downloads: 21
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