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3. Complex Gateways : labour and urban history of maritime port cities2022, znanstvena monografija Opis: In this book, we try to find out our own way to deal with the complexity of the social, technical, economic, and institutional entanglement defining the history of any seaport. The common implicit research question was: can we use our thinking about the historical identity of the city-port nexus to find new insights about the possibility of overcoming the specialized approaches, and have an evolutionary representation of the symbiotic/syncretic arrangement of the city-port systems, inside the peculiar North Adriatic environment? We have adopted a transdisciplinary approach, encompassing economics, sociology, anthropology, and politics, with the common aim of crossing disciplinary boundaries and studying the city-port nexus as an integrated entity. Over a long-run perspective, the definition of a seaport identity has resulted from the stratification of many waves of intervention, from the first institutional definitions of its roles, privileges, and operational areas to the subsequent slow definition of its economic, social, and even cultural and symbolic values. Ključne besede: pomorski promet, Slovenija, Italija, Hrvaška Objavljeno v RUP: 02.11.2023; Ogledov: 747; Prenosov: 5 Celotno besedilo (7,73 MB) |
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7. Merjenje zadovoljstva potnikov Adrie Ariways : diplomska nalogaJanja Bračič, 2005, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: letalski promet, storitve, kakovost, potniki, zadovoljstvo, meritve, Adria Airways, ankete, analize, diplomske naloge Objavljeno v RUP: 11.08.2022; Ogledov: 1812; Prenosov: 19 Celotno besedilo (3,63 MB) |
8. Prehranska vrednost posebnih obrokov na letalih : diplomska nalogaNataša Lekič, 2006, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: prehrana, prehranska vrednost, obroki, letala, letalski promet, ankete, analize, diplomske naloge Objavljeno v RUP: 05.07.2022; Ogledov: 1660; Prenosov: 19 Celotno besedilo (1,47 MB) |
9. Razvoj nizkocenovnih letalskih prevoznikov in njihov vpliv na gibanje turističnih tokov v Evropski uniji : diplomska nalogaVanja Maurer, 2006, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: turizem, potovanja, turistični tokovi, letalski promet, letalski prevozniki, cene, destinacije, letališča, diplomske naloge Objavljeno v RUP: 23.06.2022; Ogledov: 1455; Prenosov: 18 Celotno besedilo (6,49 MB) |
10. Analiza turističnih oglasov v 20. stoletju na primeru revije National geographic : diplomska nalogaSabina Penšek, 2004, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: turizem, promet, turistični promet, marketing, oglaševanje, oglasi, National geographic, analize, diplomske naloge Objavljeno v RUP: 14.06.2022; Ogledov: 1354; Prenosov: 21 Celotno besedilo (5,71 MB) |