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Title:Leonard triples and hypercubes
Authors:ID Miklavič, Štefko (Author)
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:IAM - Andrej Marušič Institute
Abstract:Let ▫$V$▫ denote a vector space over ▫$\mathbb{C}$▫ with finite positive dimension. By a Leonard triple on ▫$V$▫ we mean an ordered triple of linear operators on ▫$V$▫ such that for each of these operators there exists a basis of ▫$V$▫ with respect to which the matrix representing that operator is diagonal and the matrices representing the other two operators are irreducible tridiagonal. Let ▫$D$▫ denote a positive integer and let ▫${\mathcal{Q}}_D$▫ denote the graph of the ▫$D$▫-dimensional hypercube. Let ▫$X$ denote the vertex set of ▫${\mathcal{Q}}_D$▫ and let ▫$A \in {\mathrm{Mat}}_X ({\mathbb{C}})$▫ denote the adjacency matrix of ▫${\mathcal{Q}}_D$▫. Fix ▫$x \in X$▫ and let ▫$A^\ast \in {\mathrm{Mat}}_X({\mathbb{C}})$▫ denote the corresponding dual adjacency matrix. Let ▫$T$▫ denote the subalgebra of ▫${\mathrm{Mat}}_X({\mathbb{C}})$ generated by ▫$A,A^\ast$▫. We refer to ▫$T$▫ as the Terwilliger algebra of ▫${\mathcal{Q}}_D$▫ with respect to ▫$x$▫. The matrices ▫$A$▫ and ▫$A^\ast$▫ are related by the fact that ▫$2iA = A^\ast A^\varepsilon - A^\varepsilon A^\ast$▫ and ▫$2iA^\ast = A^\varepsilon A - AA^\varepsilon$▫, where ▫$2iA^\varepsilon = AA^\ast - A^\ast A$▫ and ▫$i^2 = -1$▫. We show that the triple ▫$A$▫, ▫$A^\ast$▫, ▫$A^\varepsilon$▫ acts on each irreducible ▫$T$▫-module as a Leonard triple. We give a detailed description of these Leonard triples.
Keywords:mathematics, graph theory, Leonard triple, distance-regular graph, hypercube, Terwilliger algebra
Year of publishing:2007
Number of pages:str. 397-424
Numbering:Vol. 28, no. 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-1597 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:14624857 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:15.10.2013
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Keywords:matematika, teorija grafov, razdaljno regularni grafi, Leonardova trojica, hiperkocka, Terwilligerjeva algebra


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