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Title:Razvoj kontrolnega modela v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva Slovenije - nadaljevanje
Authors:ID Mlakar, Tatjana (Author)
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:UPR - University of Primorska
Abstract:Pomembno dejstvo, ki izhaja iz predloga novega modela kontrolne teorije sistemov, je, da se v možni aplikaciji prilagaja v Sloveniji veljavni organizacijski shemi delovanja sistema zdravstvenega varstva, kar pomeni, da ne ruši ali ne zahteva zakonske spremembe delovanja posameznih podsistemov v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva. To je pomembno predvsem s stališča, da je možnopredloga modela vzpostaviti v sorazmerno kratkem času in brez večjih zakonskih in reorganizacijskih posegov v sistem. Model kontrolne teorije sistemov prav tako ne vsebuje elementov organizacije dela, ki bi zahtevali v Sloveniji bistvene kadrovske reorganizacijske spremembe znotraj podsistemov v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva. Model se informativno, učeče preoblikujejo v samokontrolni in samonadzorovani sistem. S tem želi izničiti vpliv pomot in napak v procesu dela ter vpliv negativnih čustev izvajalca - človeka na rezultate dela. Vendar vnaša v obvladovanje zdravstvenega sistema bistvene novosti, ki bi lahko postale inovacije vsaj postopno.
Keywords:kontrolna teorija sistemov, sistem zdravstvenega varstva, inovacija, sistem
Year of publishing:2009
Number of pages:str. 88-95
Numbering:Letn. 25, št. 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-1693 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024109652 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:15.10.2013
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Abstract:An important fact, arising out of the concept of the new model, the Control Systems Theory, is that it is adjusted in its possible application to the organisational scheme of medical care system in practice in Slovenia; it does not contradict or necessitate any statutory change of individual sub-systems within the overall health care system. This is in particular important as it enables the proposed model to be implemented in a relatively short period of time and without major statutory and re-organisational interventions into the system. In addition the control systems theory model has no elements of work organisation, which would necessitate essential staff reorganisation in the sub-systems within the Slovenian health care system. The model transforms informatively and instructively into a self-controlled and self-supervised system. In this way it aims at eliminating errors and mistakes in the work process and the impact of negative emotions of the human being to the results of work. However, it introduces a number of essential novelties into the health system control, which could gradually become innovations.
Keywords:control systems theory, medical care system, system


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