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Title:Samozdravljenje in zdravljenje kot zdravstveni dogodek
Authors:ID Špringer, Janez (Author)
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:UPR - University of Primorska
Abstract:Vsak dogodek, pri čemer zdravstveni in izjema, ima glede na strukturni model svojo vodoravno in navpično sestavo. Vodoravna sestava pove o začetni in končni zdravstveni prvini dogodka in o njuni nujni povezavi. Navpična sestava pa je njegova podrobna podoba glede na medsebojni odnos splošnih in podrobnih prvin. Ker je vrednost dogodka vselej odvisna od povezave, vrednost zdravstvenega dogodka pa od zdravstvene skrbi, lahko samozdravljenje in zdravljenje najlažje razločimo po tem, kdo je odgovoren za zdravstveno skrb, ki je najvišja povezava pri zdravstvenem dogodku. Zanjo je odgovorna oseba, ki postavlja zdravstveno namero. Če je to bolnik sam, imamo opraviti s samozdravljenjem, če pa je to zdravnik, govorimo o zdravljenju.
Keywords:odgovornost za samozdravljenje in zdravljenje, zdravstveni dogodek, pasivno in dejavno načelo, ocena zdravljenja z zdravili, zdravstvena namera, zdravstveno ukrepanje
Year of publishing:2009
Number of pages:str. 12-28
Numbering:Letn. 25, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-3348 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024061524 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:15.10.2013
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Abstract:Every event -- without an exception for the health care event - has regarding the structural model a horizontal and vertical structure. Horizontal structuretells us about the first and the last passive element of the event and emphasizes the obvious active relation between them. Vertical structure isa detailed picture of the event according to relation between general and the detailed elements. Because the value of an event is always the measure of the active relation, and a value of the health care event is the measure of the health care, the difference between treatment and self-treatment can be most easily found by answering the question who is responsible for the health care, which is the highest active connection in the health care event. The person who puts health care goals is responsible for complete care. If this isthe patient himself, the care is called self-treatment. On the other hand, if the goal-giver is a doctor, we have deal with an ordinary treatment.
Keywords:responsibility for the treatment and self-treatment, health care event, passive and active principle, drug-therapy assessment, health care intention, health care intervention


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