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Title:Correlates of sexual initiation among European adolescents
Authors:ID Gambadauro, Pietro (Author)
ID Carli, Vladimir (Author)
ID Hadlaczky, Gergö (Author)
ID Sarchiapone, Marco (Author)
ID Apter, Alan (Author)
ID Balazs, Judit (Author)
ID Banzer, Raphaela (Author)
ID Bobes, Julio (Author)
ID Brunner, Romuald (Author)
ID Cosman, Doina (Author)
ID Farkas, Luca (Author)
ID Haring, Christian (Author)
ID Hoven, Christina W. (Author)
ID Kaess, Michael (Author)
ID Kahn, Jean-Pierre (Author)
ID McMahon, Elaine M. (Author)
ID Poštuvan, Vita (Author)
ID Sisask, Merike (Author)
ID Värnik, Airi (Author)
ID Zadravec Šedivy, Nuša (Author)
ID Wasserman, Danuta (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:IAM - Andrej Marušič Institute
Keywords:reproductive health, adolescence, sexual initiation, risk behaviours, psychological symptoms, childhood trauma, SEYLE study
Year of publishing:2018
Number of pages:str. 1-16
Numbering:#Vol. #13, #iss. #2
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-9473 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1932-6203
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0191451 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1540111556 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:14.02.2018
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:PloS one
Publisher:Public Library of Science
COBISS.SI-ID:2005896 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Keywords:reproduktivno zdravje, adolescenca, spolna iniciacija, tvegano vedenje, psihološki simptomi, travma v otroštvu, študija SEYLE


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