
Statistika RUP

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Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Doktorska dela (1)

  1. Sergio Hiroki Koike Quintanar: O problemu izomorfnosti bi-Cayleyjevih grafov

Magistrska dela (4)

  1. Marija Jurkovič: Študij celoštevilskih Cayleyjevih grafov skozi Boolove algebre in grupne karakterje
  2. Anna Klymenko: Multiply transitive permutation groups via the small Mathieu groups
  3. Luigi Fatigato: Strongly regular Cayley graphs over Zpn + Zpn
  4. Luka Šinkovec: Posplošitev Lijeve domneve in popolna klasifikacija cikličnih m-(D)CI-grup

Diplomska dela (6)

  1. Sanja Vasilić: Paleyevi grafi in zemljevidi
  2. Erik Stepančič: Posplošene kvaternionske grupe
  3. Luka Pavlović: Krepko-regularni grafi brez trikotnikov, Higman-Sims graf
  4. Anton Uramer: Kromatsko število pandiagonalnih Latičnih kvadratnih grafov
  5. Mateja Grižon: Načrti in Hadamardove matrike
  6. Luca Basiaco: p-Sylowke končnih simetričnih grup

Druga dela (43)

  1. István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič, Steve Wilson: Classification of cubic symmetric tricirculants
  2. István Kovács: Sets with a large number of nuclei on a cubic curve
  3. István Kovács, Mary Agnes Milanič: On Cayley digraphs on nonisomorphic 2-groups
  4. István Kovács: On nonexistence of semiovals
  5. István Kovács: A problem on Paley graphs
  6. István Kovács, Boštjan Kuzman, Aleksander Malnič: On non-normal arc-transitive 4-valent dihedrants
  7. István Kovács, Boštjan Kuzman, Aleksander Malnič, Steve Wilson: Characterization of edge-transitive 4-valent bicirculants
  8. István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, János Ruff: Rose window graphs underlying rotary maps
  9. István Kovács: On arc-transitive Cayley graphs of dihedral groups
  10. István Kovács, Dragan Marušič, Mikhail Muzychuk: Primitive bicirculant association schemes and a generalization of Wielandt's theorem
  11. Aart Blokhuis, György Kiss, István Kovács, Aleksander Malnič, Dragan Marušič, János Ruff: Semiovals contained in the union of three concurrent lines
  12. István Kovács: On cubic biabelian graphs
  13. István Kovács: Generalized Petersen graphs via algebraic graph theory
  14. István Kovács, Roman Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups
  15. István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič: Classification of edge-transitive rose window graphs
  16. István Kovács: Two facets algebraic combinatorics: Catalan and Schröder numbers and enumeration of S-rings over cyclic groups of prime-power order
  17. György Kiss, István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, János Ruff, Primož Šparl: A note on a geometric construction of large Cayley graps of given degree and diameter
  18. György Kiss, István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, János Ruff, Primož Šparl: A note on a geometric construction of large Cayley graps of given degree and diameter
  19. István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, János Ruff, Tamás Szőnyi: Integral automorphisms of affine spaces over finite fields
  20. István Kovács, Yan-Quan Feng: Elementary abelian groups of rank 5 are DCI-groups
  21. István Kovács, Young Soo Kwon: Classification of reflexible Cayley maps for dihedral groups
  22. István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič, Daniel Pellicer: On even-closed regular embeddings of graphs
  23. Sergio Hiroki Koike Quintanar, István Kovács, Dragan Marušič, Mikhail Muzychuk: Cyclic groups are CI-groups for balanced configurations
  24. Yan-Quan Feng, Ademir Hujdurović, István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič: Quasi-semiregular automorphisms of cubic and tetravalent arc-transitive graphs
  25. Yan-Quan Feng, István Kovács, Da-Wei Yang: On groups all of whose Haar graphs are Cayley graphs
  26. Leah Berman, István Kovács, Gordon Ian Williams: On the flag graphs of regular abstract polytopes
  27. Yong-sun Kwon, István Kovács: Classification of some regular Cayley maps on diherdal groups
  28. Mikhail Klin, István Kovács: Automorphism groups of ratoional circulant graphs
  29. Edward Dobson, István Kovács: Automorphism groups of Cayley digraphs of Zp3
  30. Mikhail Klin, István Kovács: From finite topologies and lattices to the automorphism groups of rational schur rings
  31. Sergio Hiroki Koike Quintanar, István Kovács: Nilpotent 3-BCI groups
  32. István Estélyi, István Kovács: On groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs of bounded valeny are integral
  33. Sergio Hiroki Koike Quintanar, István Kovács: Classification of nilpotent 3-BCI-groups
  34. István Kovács, Yan-Quan Feng, Ademir Hujdurović, Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič: Quasi-semiregular automorphisms of cubic and tetravalent arc-transitive graphs
  35. István Kovács, Grigory Ryabov: CI-property for decomposable Schur rings over an Abelian group
  36. Aart Blokhuis, István Kovács, G. P. Nagy, Tamás Szőnyi: Inherited conics in Hall planes
  37. Ricardo Grande, István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, Aleksander Malnič, Luis Martínez, Dragan Marušič: Equisizable partial sum families
  38. Yan-Quan Feng, István Kovács, Jie Wang, Da-Wei Yang: Existence of non-Cayley Haar graphs
  39. István Kovács, Young Soo Kwon: Regular Cayley maps for dihedral groups
  40. Yan-Quan Feng, István Kovács: On finite groups with prescribed two-generator subgroups and integral Cayley graphs
  41. Boštjan Frelih, István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar: On cubic arc-transitive k-multicirculants with soluble groups
  42. István Kovács, Grigory Ryabov: The group C[sub]2[sup]4[times]C[sub]q is a DCI-group
  43. Edward Dobson, István Kovács, Štefko Miklavič: The automorphism groups of non-edge transitive rose window graphs
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