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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Dean Lipovac: Preference ljudi do lesnih materialov in vloga le-teh v restorativnih okoljih

MSc theses (2)

  1. Dean Lipovac: Povezanost racionalnega mišljenja z duševnim zdravjem
  2. Klara Aškerc: Povezanost perfekcionizma s stresom in motnjami prehranjevanja pri slovenskih ritmičnih gimnastičarkah

BSc theses (1)

  1. Dean Lipovac: Potencial dietetičnih vodil kot pozitivno-psihološke intervence

Other documents (4)

  1. Anna Malgorzata Sandak, Viviana Golja, Julia Belda, Jens Geissmann-Fuchs, Kelly Peeters, Jakub Michal Sandak, Janja Juhant Grkman, Silvo Hribernik, Dean Lipovac, Peter Nadrah: Strategies for improvement of visibility and acceptance of modified wood
  2. Dean Lipovac, Michael David Burnard, Andreja Kutnar, Anna Malgorzata Sandak: Can modified wood compete with untreated wood in preference of people?
  3. Dean Lipovac, László Hajdu, Sølvi Therese Strømmen Wie, Anders Q. Nyrud: Improving mental wellbeing in organizations with targeted psychosocial interventions
  4. Mateja Erce, Rok Ovsenik, Dean Lipovac, Michael David Burnard: User needs and perspectives on technologies or healthy ageing
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