
Statistics of RUP

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The tables show this person cooperation with other persons on the relation mentor - co-mentor. First table shows a list of persons and number of theses, where this person is a mentor, while the other table shows a list of persons, where selected person is in the role of commentor. Both tables show the number of theses with this relation.

Person: David Ravnik

Person as a mentor
David RavnikSandra Martinuč9
Katarina Merše Lovrinčević8
Ester Benko7
Tjaša Hrovat Ferfolja5
Tamara Štemberger Kolnik2
Nives Pinter2
Majda Oštir1
Uroš Krivec1
Matej Plevnik1
Katarina Babnik1
Sara Fabjan1
Helena Skočir1
Tjaša Hrovat Ferfolja1
Mirko Prosen1
Tjaša Hrovat1
Nastja Podrekar1
Uroš Marušič1
Denisa Manojlović1
Justina Kocjančič1

Person as a co-mentor
David RavnikKatarina Merše Lovrinčević3
Ester Benko2
Sandra Martinuč1
Mirko Prosen1
Logos of partners University of Maribor University of Ljubljana University of Primorska University of Nova Gorica