
Statistics of RUP

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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Rok Blagus

Together there are 31 keywords, that are appearing 33 times.
2 of them (6.45 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 4 times (12.12 % of all appearances).

2x50%logistic regression, normalna porazdelitev
1xnapovedna točnost, logistična regresija, izbira spremenljivk, visokorazsežni podatki, Akaike information criterion, linear regression, naključni gozdovi, predictive accuracy, coverage probability, width of the confidence interval, confidence interval, train set, ABE method, najbližji skrčeni centroid, dvovzorčno testiranje hipotez, standard estimator of the parameter, James-Stein estimator, modifcirana funkcija zbira, metoda največjega verjetja, gravitacijski model, simulacija tokov pranja denarja, hypothesis testing, conservative test, simulations, pranje denarja, Fisher's exact test, z-test, x2 test, permutacijski test
Logos of partners University of Maribor University of Ljubljana University of Primorska University of Nova Gorica