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Tabujske teme med nominiranci za nagrado desetnica 2012 : diplomsko delo
Vanja Gerželj, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: tabujska literatura, nagrada desetnica, priporočilni seznam, starši, pouk
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2631; Downloads: 99
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Pogledi na kombinirani pouk : diplomsko delo
Breda Žvokelj, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: kombinirani pouk, Osnovna šola Goče, učenje, prednosti, slabosti
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 7141; Downloads: 594
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Koprska fizika 19. stoletja
Stanislav Južnič, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: The development of the physics teaching in Capodistran secondary school between Giuseppe Tartini and late 19th century brought those day experimental tools and books closer to our knowledge with a testimony of the high level education of those days. We had to concentrate on Vlacovich's accomplishment as he was the most important Capodistran professor of 19th century. He stood on the shoulders of his predecessors when he published his works in most important journals of his era. Our research also had something to say about his work in Trieste. The instruments bought for cabinet in Capodistrian Grammar School were certainly on European level during the second half of 19th. Therefore we compared them with similar equipment used in Grammar Schools of Klagenfurt, Novo Mesto, and Ljubljana. In this kind of research we had a lucky hand because we were able to double-check all data with yearly Grammar School Programs and yearly inventories. We mostly used the inventories of Ljubljana and Capodistrian Grammar School which makes this work one of the first of its kind founded on reliable sources. The Programs also contained the data of the cabinets' incomes. Those days school directors also liked to provide the listings of professors. They sometimes also noted their textbooks or rough sketch of teaching plans. We examined the old books from the times of Padres Scholarum Piarum which are still kept in the library of Italian Grammar School Gian Rinaldo Carli. Their bulk testimonies about the interests of those days professors and their students because so far ago the acquisition of the instruments was far from standardized and the professors personally decided what they need for education and also for research, which is not the case of modern Secondary Schools with no research involved. The Padres Scholarum Piarum with their pedagogical dedication were deeply involved in the Coastland everyday life after they somewhat became the competitors of the Jesuit order and even their replacement after the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773. On this occasion we provide one of the very first serious analyzes of the Padres Scholarum Piarum accomplishment also in comparison with their contemporary Jesuits' competitors
Keywords: Physics Education, history of education, Koper, Experimental Physics Instruments, pouk fizike, zgodovina vzgoje, fizikalne eksperimentalne naprave, Koper
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3319; Downloads: 12
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Razvijanje matematične pismenosti na razredni stopnji
Mara Cotič, 2010, original scientific article

Keywords: pismenost, matematična pismenost, realistični problemi, Pouk matematike
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4310; Downloads: 76
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O refleksiji učenca pri pouku
Barbara Horvat, 2011, original scientific article

Keywords: refleksija, izkustveno učenje, sokratska metoda, teorije izkustvenega učenja, znanje, pouk, znanstveni relativizem
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3219; Downloads: 68
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Zakaj poučevati matematiko
Darjo Felda, Mara Cotič, 2012, review article

Abstract: Ko pri začetnem pouku matematike otroku predstavljamo matematične vsebine, največkrat izhajamo iz abstraktnih temeljev in ne iz izkušenj, ki jih otrok že ima, s čimer je pretrgana vez med matematiko in stvarnim svetom oziroma med matematiko in tistim matematičnim svetom, ki ga otrok že pozna. V nasprotju s tem bi moral učitelj učenca usmerjati, da skladno s svojimi izkušnjami in sposobnostmi viša raven matematične pismenosti, obenem pa gradi abstraktni matematični odsev stvarnega sveta ter bogati svoj matematični jezik. V zadnjem času se poudarja pomen igre oziroma dejavnosti, v katerih naj bi bil otrok aktivno udeležen. Z vživljanjem v problemsko situacijo in v razreševanje le-te naj bi spoznaval nove koncepte in strategije. Poraja pa se dvom, ali je v učni praksi res zaživel tak način pouka ali pa se dejavnosti uvajajo zgolj kot neka začetna motivacija, ki izzveni v prenašanje oziroma sprejemanje faktografskega znanja. Otrok mora nova spoznanja sproti prilagajati že usvojenim znanjem in povezovati matematiko z realnimi situacijami. Le tako občuti varnost, zadovoljstvo in uspeh ter je motiviran za doseganje novih znanj, s čimer učenje in poučevanje matematike dobita pravi smisel.
Keywords: začetni pouk, matematika, problemska situacija, matematično znanje, matematična pismenost
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3252; Downloads: 28
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