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Okrepljena ustavna demokracija
Matjaž Nahtigal, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Najpomembnejša značilnost spopadanja z veliko finančno, gospodarsko in socialno krizo od leta 2008 naprej je, da se poskuša na globalni, evropski in nacionalni ravni rešiti v okviru obstoječega omejevalnega niza institucij reprezentativne demokracije, tržnega gospodarstva in svobodne civilne družbe. Razprave o alternativnih institucionalnih oblikah, ki bi temeljito preoblikovale ustavno demokracijo, tržno gospodarstvo in svobodno civilno družbo v smeri bolj vključujoče, bolj raznolike in bolj eksperimentalne družbe, še vedno ni na mizi. Obstajajo le posamezne regije v prvem in tretjem svetu, ki uspešno eksperimentirajo z novimi institucionalnimi oblikami in veljajo za najuspešnejše regije ne le po merilih konkurenčnosti, temveč tudi socialne kohezivnosti, ekonomskih in izobraževalnih priložnostih ter inovativnosti. Teoretično izhodišče za razpravo v okviru sodobnih institucionalnih teorij je naslednje: klasična ustavna teorija, politične stranke, utemeljene v devetnajstem stoletju, in množična fordistična proizvodnja, organizirana po ekonomskih principih zgodnjega dvajsetega stoletja, ne morejo ostati institucionalni okvir za organizacijo in delovanje modernih demokratičnih družb enaindvajsetega stoletja. Za bolj ustvarjalni, domišljeni dialog na nacionalni ravni in za okrepljen nacionalni razvojni projekt v okviru EU potrebujemo resnično neodvisno in avtonomno, a dobro organizirano civilno družbo. Ta mora postati partnerica političnim strankam, ki bi se morale odlikovati po izdelovanju bogatih in raznolikih programskih alternativ. Namesto ustvarjanja površnega konsenza bi morali bogatiti in krepiti razpravo o razvojnih alternativah ter zanje ustvarjati široka družbena zavezništva. Seveda pa pri iskanju poti iz krize - ne na evropski ne na nacionalni ravni - ni bližnjic. Pretekli dve leti sta bili tako v evropskem kot nacionalnem ustavnem in razvojnem kontekstu v veliki meri izgubljeni in ju bo težko nadomestiti.
Keywords: Civil society, Civilna družba, Constitutional system, Democracy, Demokracija, Market economy, Pluralism, Pluralizem, Tržno gospodarstvo, ustavna demokracija, Ustavni sistem
Published in RUP: 30.12.2015; Views: 3482; Downloads: 17
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The information society, a challenge for business students?
Viktorija Florjančič, 2015, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: We welcome digital natives to our university assuming they are competent computer and internet users. However, testing their computer skills at the beginning of the course revealed that they are not as highly skilled as was initially expected. The majority of students had surprisingly never heard of the massive open online courses that have been challenging higher education in recent years. Moreover, a lot of students do not use freely accessible learning resources on the web. Collecting data from Eurostat statistics raises an interesting issue - more and more EU households are getting broadband internet access and internet penetration is not only following users that have accessed the internet once in the last 3 months, but users that access the internet daily. It would be expected that individuals, especially those aged under 30, are highly computer and internet literate, but the data analysis revealed otherwise. Not only students included in the research presented in the empirical part of this paper, but also an average young internet user of one of the 28 EU countries. Using Facebook and the first Google search result is not enough anymore.
Keywords: ICT literacy, information society, open education
Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 3082; Downloads: 236
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Il reato di bigamia nella Repubblica di Venezia da un processo del 1630
Claudia Andreato, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: In 17th century Venice bigamy represented a crime of exogamy and mobility with a subversive power against the constituted social order. The offence often involved male and female figures (in trial documents found in the roles of both victims or defendants) that could hardly be included in one of the most common social schemes: the victims were frequently implicitly aware of the risk of getting married to a person with an unknown past; the defendants would deny their identities in order to construct others; and finally, the witnesses seemed to cover with a veil of silence the "individual" choices that concealed behaviour often regarded as deviant. Hence, the rhetoric that animated the trial narrative reflected the multifaceted characteristics attributed to the offence and its protagonists on one hand, and on the other the attempt of the secular and ecclesiastical authorities to preserve the set of moral and religious values in the society of that time
Keywords: bigamy, mobility, victim, marriage, rhetoric, society
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2714; Downloads: 20
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Zasebni zavod kot nevladna organizacija
Barbara Ravnik, 2005, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: Open Society Institute, Slovenija, odprta družba, nepridobitne organizacije, nevladne organizacije, financiranje, zasebni zavod, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3741; Downloads: 156
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Response of the society to suicide survivors
Vita Poštuvan, 2013, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: suicide survivors, bereavement, society, qualitative research
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3199; Downloads: 40
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