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Dairy market in Slovenia : working paper
Patricia Blatnik, Štefan Bojnec, 2015, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Diary production keeps being the most important orientation of Slovenian agriculture. It accounts for about 15% of the total value of agricultural production in recent years, and 32% of the value of livestock. Milk production in Slovenia consistently exceeds domestic consumption. The paper presents important data on dairy market balances with milk and dairy products production, consumption and trade. In addition, it presents and compares prices and policies in Slovenia and the other European Union (EU) countries. Finally, it assess the market potential for organic products and products produced, processed and traded according to three EU quality schemes: protected designation of origin, protected geographical indication and traditional speciality guaranteed.
Keywords: mlečni izdelki, trg, cene, geografske značilnosti, tradicija, posebnosti, Slovenija, dairy market, market balances, prices, geographical indications, traditional specialities, Slovenia
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3200; Downloads: 100
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