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Muslimanska identiteta v času globalizacije
Anja Zalta, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: The article deals with Muslim identity in times of globalisation and tries to answer the following questions: in which way does globalisation affect the reshaping of religious identity (Muslim identity, in our case); what is the meaning of identity of resistance (that which religious fundamentalism, cultural nationalism and other defence reactions stem from); what are the consequences of the shift from the traditional to a modern society and in which way do these consequences shape the varied Muslim identities. The ideological consequences of this shift (from the traditional to the modern) and the confrontation with the West can be summarised as: apologetic modernism, which claims that a revival of Islam is only possible through a complete assimilation of modern norms, which in reverse equals westernisation,and Islamic reforms (Salafism), which advocates the return to the 'original' Islam, i.e. the Islam of the early generations. The article presents in detail the ideological orientations of the Muslims.
Keywords: muslimani, muslimanska identiteta, religiozna identiteta, globalizacija, modernizem, salafizem, tradicionalizem
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3429; Downloads: 55
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Politična geografija globalizacije
Milan Bufon, 2006, review article

Abstract: Članek najprej obravnava nekatere temeljne elemente, ki zadevajo definicijo globalizacije ter njene učinke, v nadaljevanju pa prikazuje sodobne razsežnosti globalizacije v odnosu do ključnih dejavnikov sodobnih političnogeografskih transformacij. Slednji se izražajo predvsem na področju mednarodne politike in varnosti ter na področju mednarodnih trgovinskih in finančnih tokov. Na osnovi prikazanih razvojnih procesov ugotavlja, da se političnogeografski problemi globalizacije navezujejo tudi na vprašanja koncentracije in deteritorializacije ter na centralno-periferna razmerja v svetu. Nenazadnje globalizacija učinkuje še na politična, ekonomska in družbena ravnovesja in součinkovanja med lokalno, državno in svetovno dimenzijo razvojnih potencialov in dinamik ter na možnost vzpostavitve njihovega globalnega upravljanja.
Keywords: politična geografija, globalizacija, mednarodna politika, mednarodna trgovina
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2908; Downloads: 39
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Delovne migracije - nov miselni vzorec ali model ekonomske akomodacije? : študija primera slovensko-italijanskega obmejnega območja
Ingrid Maraspin, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Recently, the migration phenomenon has acquired such dimensions and exhibited such implications on various social spheres that it has turned into not only a global phenomenon giving shape to a transnational area, but a real state of mind of new generations - it offers an equal option within the array of possibilities for success in (or better quality of) daily life; in short, it has turned into a thinking pattern giving rise to the "culture of migration". Formal and informal sources indicate that both registered and unregistered labour migrations are on the increase in the Slovene-Italian border area. It is largely due to the specific nature of the labour market and the abolishment of physical borders within the Schengen area that there is a constant increase in the number of not only daily and temporary economic migrations from Slovenia to the Italian labour market in the province of Trieste, but also medium-term migrations to more remote Italian regions. In the Slovene-Italian area, daily commuting to the Italian labour market has turned into a local tradition as over the past few decades a number of Slovene women have been commuting to Trieste to do housework. In addition to these "traditional" illegal female labour migrations to Italy in the field of housework, the past few years witnessed the emergence of new forms of migration: labour migrations of educated young people (legal or illegal brain drain to Western European states) and illegal male migrations of uneducated and vocational labour force (largely to Italy and Austria). The present study was part of research conducted within the extensive applied project "Minorities and Border Social Realities as Factors of Integration Process. Case Study of the Slovene-Italian Contact Area" (Sedmak, M. et al., 2008), with its aim being to investigate why individuals decide on such labour migrations, where they get information, how they establish contacts, and what factors and conditions influence their choice of work. Special emphasis was placed on the dynamics of unregistered economic migrations at local level that had transformed from occasional undeclared work undertaken by the senior segment of the female population of Slovene Istria into the general model of accommodation to the labour market.
Keywords: ekonomske migracije, delovna sila, ilegalne migracije, trg dela, akomodacija, globalizacija
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2633; Downloads: 42
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Globalni izzivi v svetovni industriji bele tehnike
Dušan Gošnik, 2009, original scientific article

Keywords: bela tehnika, globalizacija, management, razvoj
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 7149; Downloads: 67
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9. znanstvena konferenca Globalizacija kulture
Armand Faganel, 2009, professional article

Abstract: Sredi oktobra 2008 je v organizaciji Centra za politološke raziskave (CPI) iz Zagreba na univerzi v Dubrovniku potekala deveta znanstvena konferenca z naslovom Globalizacija kulture. Dvajset izbranih referatov je osvetljevalo različne vidike medsebojnih razmerij globalizacije in kulture. Uvodničar Robertson je eden od pionirjev raziskovanja na področju kulturne globalizacije, ki je v zahodno kulturo uvedel tudi japonski pojem glokalizacije. Z aktivno udeležbo na konferenci se avtorji referatov prelevijo v sodelavce centra.
Keywords: kultura, globalizacija, politologija, demokracija, mednarodne konference
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3667; Downloads: 53
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Internacionalizacija podjetja v farmacevtski industriji
Adisa Hasinović, 2009, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: internacionalizacija, mednarodno poslovanje, globalizacija, farmacevtska industrija, Krka, d. d.
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3615; Downloads: 150
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