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Pogledi bodočih učiteljev na sodobno poučevanje naravoslovja
Nataša Dolenc-Orbanić, Petra Furlan, 2015, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Cilj sodobne šole je oblikovati naravoslovno pismene posameznike, ki morajo biti kos zahtevam sodobne družbe, v kateri ima naravoslovje pomembno vlogo. Za dosego tega cilja pa mora učitelj/-ica izbrati sodobne strategije poučevanja, ki temeljijo na aktivnem delu učencev. V prispevku bomo prikazali, kakšni so pogledi bodočih učiteljev na sodobno poučevanje naravoslovja ter koliko izobraževanje in praksa vplivata nanje. Raziskava je bila izvedena s študenti tretjega letnika (N = 56) študijskega programa razredni pouk Pedagoške fakultete Univerze na Primorskem, ki še niso bili seznanjeni z vsebinami predmeta didaktika naravoslovja, in s študenti četrtega letnika (N = 28) študijskega programa razredni pouk po tem, ko so se s teoretičnimi in praktičnimi (laboratorijske vaje in nastopi) vsebinami o sodobnih vidikih poučevanja naravoslovja že seznanili. Študentje so izpolnili anketni vprašalnik z desetimi vprašanji odprtega in zaprtega tipa. Nanašala so se na njihova prepričanja o tem, kako je treba poučevati naravoslovje: kakšni so po njihovem mnenju primerni pristopi, kakšen je njihov odnos do eksperimentalnega dela in dela z živim materialom, kako bi poučevali naravoslovje, da bi bilo za učence bolj zanimivo, ter kako bi načrtovali sodobni pouk naravoslovja. Anketne vprašalnike smo pregledali, analizirali in med seboj primerjali mnenja študentov tretjega in četrtega letnika.
Keywords: naravoslovje, sodobni pristopi poučevanja, bodoči učitelji, naravoslovna pismenost, didaktika naravoslovja
Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 4396; Downloads: 148
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Geografija Evrope v šoli : iskanje temeljnega učbeniškega pristopa in izbora problemskih tem za gimnazijski učbenik
Jurij Senegačnik, 2007, review article

Abstract: The geography of Europe stands out among other themes within the scope of Slovene high school (secondary school) programmes, since substantial changes to the geography curriculum are most urgent. Social change in Europe during the last decade and a half has been significant. It is not the intention of this paper to offer a definitive suggestion of changes in the teaching plan, for this is clearly a task of too great pretension, but rather to elaborate a list of current topics which, assuming that certain postulates hold, could be included in a new textbook of the geography of Europe. Before the preparation of the list this study focused on the establishment of a basic approach to textbooks from the point of view of the internal organization of learning topics that would best suit Slovene pupils and teachers. A new method of simulating textbook approaches has been employed. Pupils were asked to evaluate three textbooks with different organizational schemes of the same selection of topics, representing three textbook approaches. The first approach is thematic: topics included the relation of man and nature, environmental issues, social and political development, ethnic conflicts, etc. The other two approaches were regional. The second textbook comprised the same topics as the first one, but they were organized according to European regions (northern, western, 'Middle Europe', etc.). The third approach derived from the second; topics were organiyed not only accordingly to European regions but also with respect to individual European states with short presentations of their 'geographical context'. The latter approach was suggested by the pupils themselves during previous group discussions organized by the author of this study. The results have shown convincingly that both pupils and teachers favour this particular approach. To a slightly lesser degree the same textbook approach was also favoured by the pupils attending the secondary school Zvezna gimnazija in zvezna realna gimnazija za Slovence in Klagenfurt, Austria, where only the thematic approach is being used. The list of topics in the second part of this paper is elaborated according to a postulate that the concept of teaching geography is becoming increasingly thematic, exemplary and problem related and ought to focus primarily on current key issues. The list does not necessarily represent a selection of the didactically most appropriate topics, since this question still needs to be answered within the field of didactic theory. The selection was made on the grounds of the presence of certain topics in local and foreign textbooks from 36 European states. Most of the textbooks considered were recently published and designed for pupils of higher age. Selected topics are arranged as the table of contents of a hypothetical textbook of the geography of Europe. The complete list is too extensive to be included in a single textbook if the number of lessons of geography per year remains unchanged. That is why less important topics are specially marked. The last part of the paper discusses the question of including issues concerning Slovene interregional areas into a textbook of the geography of Europe. A review of essential Slovene textbooks of both the geography of Europe and that of Slovenia (Yugoslavia before 1991) has revealed that so far within the scope of geography as a school subject the entire theme of contact regions on both sides of the Slovene border has been reduced almost exclusively to a question of national minorities. It has been established that textbooks of the geography of Slovenia cover this particular topic much more thoroughly than textbooks of the geography of Europe. Since the latter are already overburdened with other topics it seems reasonable to continue including much of this topic into textbooks of the geography of Slovenia
Keywords: regionalna geografija, geografija Evrope, geografski učbenik, didaktika geografije, metodologija
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3855; Downloads: 37
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Učbeniška besedila o Primožu Trubarju. Izbor izraznih sredstev vrednotenja v verbalnih in večkodnih besedilih ter njihova vloga na besedilni ravni
Sonja Starc, 2010, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Razprava obravnava besedna in nebesedna izrazna sredstva, s katerimi je v učbeniških besedilih za slovenščino in zgodovino (1858-2002) vrednoteno delo Primoža Trubarja. Analiza se osredotoči na stavek kot prikaz(ovanje), in sicerna relacijske stavke (istovetnostne in atributivne) v verbalnem besedilu,upoštevajoč teorijo sistemske in funkcijske slovnice M. A. K. Hallidaya, ter na razmerje med verbalnim in slikovnim v večkodnih besedilih, po teoriji Kressa in van Leeuwena, pri tem pa izpostavlja tudi vlogo usmerjevalnih leksemov.
Keywords: vrednotenje, snovni stavki, relacijski stavki, istovetni relacijski stavki, atributivni relacijski stavki, večkodna besedila, interakcija med slikovnim in besednim, usmerjevalni leksem, jezikovna didaktika
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 6173; Downloads: 362
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