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Title:Raziskovanje kognitivnih shem kot individualnih ali skupinskih struktur
Authors:ID Arzenšek, Ana (Author)
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:FM - Faculty of Management
Abstract:V prispevku je predstavljenih nekaj značilnosti teorije kognitivnih shem. Ukvarjali smo se z vprašanjem, na kateri ravni naj se raziskujejo kognitivne sheme: na individualni-, nadindividualni-, ali celo na ravni večjih socialnih sistemov, in sicer glede na značilnosti socialne kognicije ter glede na naravo kognitivnih shem. V zadnjem obdobju se raziskovalci kognitivnih shem osredotočajo na interakcijo med motivacijskimi, kognitivnimi in drugimi osebnimi ter situacijskimi spremenljivkami in njihovim vplivom na vedenje. Kognitivne sheme so razumljene kot rezultat medsebojnega prepleta osebnih, okoljskih in situacijskih spremenljivk. Odgovor na zastavljeno vprašanje pa je odvisen tudi od paradigme, znotraj katere raziskovalec raziskuje in od raziskovalnega problema.
Keywords:sheme, socialna kognicija, teorije, raziskovanje
Publisher:Društvo psihologov Slovenije
Year of publishing:2012
Number of pages:str. 39-49
Numbering:Letn. 21, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-7667 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:50513506 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:30.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Exploring the cognitive schemas as individual or group structures
Abstract:The present paper describes some features of the theory of cognitive schemas. The discussion focuses on the issue of appropriate level to explore the cognitive schemas: the individual-, above individual- or the level of larger social systems, depending on the characteristics of social cognition and the nature of cognitive schemas. Currently researchers of cognitive schemas focus on the interaction between motivational, cognitive and other personal and situational variables and on their influence on behavior. Cognitive schemas are seen as the result of mutual interplay between personal, environmental and situational variables. The answer to the appropriate level of exploration question is found to depend on the paradigm within which the individual researchers work and also on the nature of the research problem.
Keywords:schema, social cognition, theories, experimentation


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