Title: | Uporaba filma pri pouku slovenščine v srednjih šolah : magistrsko delo |
Authors: | ID Vukelić, Nika (Author) ID Mikolič, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor...  ID Kozak, Krištof Jacek (Comentor) |
Files: | Vukelic-Nika.pdf (1,49 MB) MD5: C92B9B84DEFD0C08EB27DB35188888C5
Language: | Slovenian |
Work type: | Master's thesis/paper |
Typology: | 2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: | FHŠ - Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: | film, filmska vzgoja, slovenščina, pouk slovenščine, filmska pismenost, srednje šole, magistrske naloge |
Place of publishing: | Koper |
Place of performance: | Koper |
Publisher: | [N. Vukelić] |
Year of publishing: | 2018 |
Year of performance: | 2018 |
Number of pages: | 87 str. |
PID: | 20.500.12556/RUP-12707  |
UDC: | 37.091.3:811.163.6(043.2) |
COBISS.SI-ID: | 1540363716  |
Publication date in RUP: | 15.06.2020 |
Views: | 5236 |
Downloads: | 75 |
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