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Title:Možnost in nujnost kritičnega intelektualca
Authors:ID Kramberger, Taja (Author)
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.03 - Other scientific articles
Organization:UPR - University of Primorska
Abstract:V kratkem uvodniku v tematiko o dekonstrukciji neoliberalizma kot nove ideologije, ki različnim produkcijskim poljem podtika svoj lasten tržni kriterij, avtorica opozarja na temeljno vlogo kritičnega intelektualca. Aktivne intervencije niso postranska in neobvezna dejavnost raziskovalcev, temveč so šele predpogoj za demokracijo in s tem za ohranitev avtonomij posameznih družbenih polj. Ob tem avtorica lapidarno oriše intelektualni poti in nekatere trajektorije dveh pomembnih kritičnih mislecev druge polovice 20. stoletja, Pierra Bourdieuja in njegovega mlajšega sodelavca in kolega Lorca Wacquanta. Uvodniku sta priložena kratka življenjepisa in izbor iz bibliografij.
Keywords:demokracija, ideologija, intelektualci, prevodi
Year of publishing:2003
Number of pages:str. 49-55
Numbering:Letn. 19, št. 43
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-287 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:595667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:15.10.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this short introductory to the thematic on deconstruction of neoliberalism as a new ideology, which puts different fields of production under its own market criterion, the author emphasizes the basic role of a critical intellectual. Active interventions are not seen as an aside and an unnecessaryactivity of researchers, but are rather a precondition for democracy and for maintenance of autonomy of particular social fields. The author also lapidary sketches intellectual paths and few trajectories of the two important critical thinkers Pierre Bourdieu, and his younger collaborator and colleague Lo?c Wacquant; the introductory is augmented by their short biographies and selected bibliographies.
Keywords:democracy, ideology, intellectuals, translation


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