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Title:Muslimanska identiteta v času globalizacije
Authors:ID Zalta, Anja (Author)
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:UPR - University of Primorska
Abstract:The article deals with Muslim identity in times of globalisation and tries to answer the following questions: in which way does globalisation affect the reshaping of religious identity (Muslim identity, in our case); what is the meaning of identity of resistance (that which religious fundamentalism, cultural nationalism and other defence reactions stem from); what are the consequences of the shift from the traditional to a modern society and in which way do these consequences shape the varied Muslim identities. The ideological consequences of this shift (from the traditional to the modern) and the confrontation with the West can be summarised as: apologetic modernism, which claims that a revival of Islam is only possible through a complete assimilation of modern norms, which in reverse equals westernisation,and Islamic reforms (Salafism), which advocates the return to the 'original' Islam, i.e. the Islam of the early generations. The article presents in detail the ideological orientations of the Muslims.
Keywords:muslimani, muslimanska identiteta, religiozna identiteta, globalizacija, modernizem, salafizem, tradicionalizem
Publisher:Centro di ricerche scientifiche della Repubblica di Slovenia
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:str. 69-76
Numbering:Letn. 16, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-5364 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1063379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:10.07.2015
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Keywords:Muslims, Muslim identity, religious identity, globalisation, modernism, Salafism, traditionalism


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