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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Žiga Velkavrh: Vedenjske lastnosti skozi čas in med državami

MSc theses (1)

  1. Žiga Velkavrh: Vedenjska teorija iger in strateško odločanje študentov v Sloveniji

Other documents (16)

  1. Aljaž Ule, Žiga Velkavrh: Dynamics of deception between strangers
  2. Aljaž Ule, Arthur J. H. C. Schram, Arno Riedl, Timothy N. Cason: Indirect punishment and generosity toward strangers
  3. Aljaž Ule: On the nature of reciprocity
  4. Aljaž Ule: Partner choice and cooperation: experimental evidence
  5. Aljaž Ule: Investment with unstable regulation
  6. Aljaž Ule: Focal points revisited: team reasoning, the principle of insufficient reason and cognitive hierarchy theory
  7. Aljaž Ule: Experiments and models of boundedly rational cooperation on networks
  8. Aljaž Ule: Democracy and regulation: the effects of electoral competition on infrastructure investments
  9. Aljaž Ule: Emergence of meaning through experimental games with symbol
  10. Aljaž Ule: On economic foundation of meaning
  11. Arthur J. H. C. Schram, Aljaž Ule: Commitment aversion revisited
  12. Arthur J. H. C. Schram, Aljaž Ule: Introduction to the Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics
  13. Anouar El Haji, Aljaž Ule: Dilution illusion
  14. Astrid Hopfensitz, Aljaž Ule: The economic foundation of meaning
  15. Violet Swakman, Lucas Molleman, Aljaž Ule, Martijn Egas: Reputation-based cooperation
  16. Handbook of research methods and applications in experimental economics
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