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FAMNIT - Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies
FHŠ - Faculty of Humanities
FM - Faculty of Management
FTŠ Turistica - Turistica – College of Tourism Portorož
FVZ - Faculty of Health Sciences
IAM - Andrej Marušič Institute
PEF - Faculty of Education
UPR - University of Primorska
ZUP - University of Primorska Press
University of Primorska, University Library - all departments
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PhD theses (3)
Žiga Čepar:
Socio-ekonomski dejavniki povpraševanja po visokošolskem izobraževanju v Sloveniji
Klemen Širok:
Dejavniki in poti upokojevanja v Sloveniji
Aleš Trunk:
Model pozavarovanja za brezposelnost v EU
Other documents (27)
Milan Vodopivec:
A simulation of an income contingent tuition scheme in a transition economy
Milan Vodopivec, Lilijana Madjar, Primož Dolenc:
Problemi slovenskog sustava otpremnina
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
Porezni klin u Sloveniji
Milan Vodopivec:
Worker reallocation during Estonia's transition to market
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec, Suzana Laporšek, Tjaša Redek, Polona Domadenik, Irena Ograjenšek:
Izbrane teme s področja trga dela v Sloveniji
Milan Vodopivec, Lilijana Madjar, Primož Dolenc:
Non-performance of the severance pay program in Slovenia
Milan Vodopivec, Primož Dolenc:
Live longer, work longer
Milan Vodopivec, Nisha Arunatilake:
Population aging and labour market paricipation of old workers in Sri Lanka
Gonzalo Reyes Hartley, Jan. C. Van Ours, Milan Vodopivec:
Providing unemployment benefits via savings accounts
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
Tax wedge on labor
Primož Dolenc, Suzana Laporšek, Viljem Spruk, Matija Vodopivec, Milan Vodopivec, Barbara Zupančič:
Empirična analiza učinkov uvedbe zakona o urejanju trga dela
Milan Vodopivec, Lilijana Madjar, Primož Dolenc:
Empirical analysis of the severance pay non-performance in Slovenia
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
Isplati li se u Sloveniji raditi?
Primož Dolenc, Suzana Laporšek, Viljem Spruk, Matija Vodopivec, Milan Vodopivec, Barbara Zupančič:
Empirična analiza učinkov uvedbe zakona o urejanju trga dela
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
Does work pay in Slovenia?
Gonzalo Reyes Hartley, Jan. C. Van Ours, Milan Vodopivec:
Incentive effects of unemployment insurance savings accounts
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
Tax wedge on labour
Evan Kraft, Milan Vodopivec:
How soft is the budget constraint for Yugoslav firms?
Primož Dolenc, Suzana Laporšek, Matija Vodopivec, Milan Vodopivec:
Delovna zakonodaja ena najbolj togih v Evropi
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
The tax wedge in Slovenia
Klemen Širok, Milan Vodopivec:
Poti in dejavniki prehoda v delovno neaktivnost v Sloveniji
Suzana Laporšek, Matija Vodopivec, Milan Vodopivec:
The effects of Slovenia's 2010 minimum wage increase on workers' flows and wage distribution
Suzana Laporšek, Matija Vodopivec, Milan Vodopivec:
The employment and wage spillover effects of Slovenia's 2010 minimum wage increase
Matija Vodopivec, Suzana Laporšek, Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
The effect of unemployment benefit generosity on unemployment duration
Matija Vodopivec, Suzana Laporšek, Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec:
The effect of unemployment benefit generosity on unemployment duration
Matija Vodopivec, Suzana Laporšek, Milan Vodopivec:
Levelling the playing field
Oluyemisi Kuku, Peter F. Orazem, Sawkut Rojid, Milan Vodopivec:
Training funds and the incidence of training