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Socialni kapital v evropskih državah : ugotovitve, trendi in metodološke pomanjkljivosti primerjalnih študij
Frane Adam, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article critically discusses two issues. The first is related to the distribution of social capital across European (EU) nations, and describes the main (expected) trends and patterns on the basis of conventional 'proxy' variables, such as trust and level of involvement in voluntary organizations, in the framework of international studies (EVS/WVS and ESS). The second deals with data quality, in particular with the question whether the findings obtained in such a manner can be regarded as reliable and credible. As for the first issue, one can define four groups as regards the distribution of social capital across European nation-states. Contrary to the authors who claim that there is no significant difference between individual countries, the results of our analysis have revealed a considerable level of differentiation. There is a clear distinction between groups I and IV, while the difference between groups II and III is less obvious. In the context of critical reflection and discussion of the comparability and credibility of empirical data, one should point out some mistakes and inconsistencies most probably brought about partly by inappropriate execution of international surveys (studies) and partly by various semantic, cultural and institutional factors that were not paid appropriate attention during the phases of survey preparation and planning, as well as those of data interpretation and generalization (analysis)
Ključne besede: socialni kapital, primerjalne raziskave, participacija, zaupanje, kakovost podatkov
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 2315; Prenosov: 47
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Apostolski vizitator Agostino Valier - pobudnik obnove kompleksa cerkve Sv. Jurija v Piranu : interpretacija historičnih virov kot izhodišče konservatorskih raziskav
Mojca M. Kovač, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article focuses on the review of archival sources, historical representations and interpretation of conservational research during the course of restoration works on the church of St. George and takes into consideration material remains and finds from this monument as a starting point of its presentation. Representation of the Gothic church building in its original state represents a reference point for determination of subsequent changes performed during restoration. The decision to renovate the old Gothic church, which was in ruins, was a demanding and responsible undertaking for the Church and Municipal authorities, because it demanded substantial financial resources. Two basic options emerged: to renovate the existing church or to build a new one. The initiative for the renovation of the minster in Piran was a visitation of the Veronese bishop Agostino Valiero in 1580, ordered by the Pope Gregory XIII. On the basis of the preserved visitation report, we were able to recognize the endeavours and personal engagement of bishop Valier, who took his task as an opportunity to resolve the dilemmas regarding the renovation of the church in Piran. Through his role as a dignitary of the Church he strived to unite Church and Municipal authorities and ensure financial resources while paying regard to expert architect opinions. The visitation report provides detailed description of the original state of the Gothic church and its furnishings and thus represents a remarkable document of great importance for research of architectural history of the church. The final decision to start renovating the church, elaboration of plans and gathering funds were important issues during the entire decade that followed even though the basic guidelines were set in 1580. The renovation of the church was closely associated with the consolidation of the access path and the slope of the hill the church was built on and included thorough changes of the original medieval church structure. The result of renovation works on the church of St. George are two new buildings: the baptistery of St. John the Baptist, erected as a presbyterial part of the church and a separate bell tower. The question remains whether we can consider this renovation as a construction of a new church. It is to be answered by further research of the course of building works.
Ključne besede: apostolski vizitator, cerkvena arhitektura, cerkve, varstvo spomenikov, konservatorske raziskave, arhivske raziskave, vizitacijska poročila
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3951; Prenosov: 43
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Psihološki učinki skrajne gibalne neaktivnosti v pogojih simulirane breztežnosti
Petra Dolenc, Matej Tušak, Tjaša Dimec Časar, Rado Pišot, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Najpogostejša metoda za spremljanje učinkov popolne gibalne neaktivnosti na človekov organizem je simuliranje breztežnostnega stanja oziroma bed rest (BR) model, ki predpostavlja daljše obdobje ležanja v vodoravnem položaju. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali spremembe v razpoloženju, psihološkem blagostanju, spoprijemalnih strategijah in telesni samopodobi med 35-dnevnim mirovanjem v strogem vodoravnem položaju pri desetih mladih zdravih moških. Psihološke vprašalnike so izpolnjevali pred začetkom eksperimenta in ob koncu le-tega. Emocionalna stanja, zadovoljstvo z življenjem in telesna samopodoba se niso statistično pomembno spremenili po BR obdobju, rezultati na lestvici CRI pa kažejo na trend porasta uporabe na emocije usmerjenega spoprijemanja in upada na problem usmerjenega soočanja s težavami. Splošno počutje udeležencev, izraženo z rezultatom na lestvici GHQ, se je po eksperimentu v primerjavi s predeksperimentalnim obdobjem poslabšalo. Izraženost teh simptomov pa je bila tudi po obdobju gibalne imobiliziranosti relativno nizka in ni predstavljala grožnje za psihično zdravje udeležencev. Naši rezultati kažejo na to, da so ugodne bivanjske razmere in možnost socialne interakcije v času popolne telesne neaktivnosti nekakšno varovalo pred poslabšanjem psihičnega statusa oziroma ublažijo negativne učinke, ki jih povzroča daljša gibalna imobiliziranost. Dobljeni izsledki imajo aplikativno vrednost na področju zdravstvene preventive in rehabilitacije.
Ključne besede: gibalna neaktivnost, psihično stanje, simulirana breztežnost, bed rest raziskave
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 4126; Prenosov: 27
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Značilnosti dobrega telelvizijskega oglasa
Matej Pompe, 2011, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: oglaševanje, televizijski oglasi, nakupi, raziskave, analiza
Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 2829; Prenosov: 137
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Gradivo ima več datotek! Več...

Trženje inženiring storitev
Andrej Rožič, 2005, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: trženje, strategija, trženjski splet, tržne raziskave, storitve, inženiring, gradbeništvo, projekti, diplomska dela
Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 4280; Prenosov: 96
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Gradivo ima več datotek! Več...

Accepted among friends, rejected by the society
Alenka Švab, 2006, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: homoseksualnost, geji, lezbijke, vsakdanje življenje, raziskave, Slovenija
Objavljeno v RUP: 15.10.2013; Ogledov: 3279; Prenosov: 40
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