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A comparative evaluation of E-learning and traditional pedagogical process elements
Damjan Vavpotič, Boštjan Žvanut, Irena Trobec, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: A comparative evaluation of E-learning and traditional pedagogical process elements
Ključne besede: e-učenje, ocenjevanje, pedagoški proces, metode poučevanja, model, e-learning, evaluation, pedagogical process, teaching methods, model
Objavljeno v RUP: 09.08.2016; Ogledov: 3153; Prenosov: 81
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Students' assessment and self-assessment of nursing clinical faculty competencies : important feedback in clinical education?
Robert Lovrić, Nada Prlić, Davor Zec, Silvija Pušeljić, Boštjan Žvanut, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The students' assessment of clinical faculty competencies and the faculty members' self-assessment can provide important information about nursing clinical education. The aim of this study was to identify the differences between the students' assessment of the clinical faculty member's competencies and the faculty member's self-assessment. These differences can reveal interesting insights relevant for improving clinical practice.
Ključne besede: assessment, clinical faculty, competencies, nursing education, self-assessment, teacher evaluation
Objavljeno v RUP: 09.08.2016; Ogledov: 3780; Prenosov: 205
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Improving the use of e-learning in health care curricula : presentation of best practices
Patrik Pucer, Boštjan Žvanut, Damjan Vavpotič, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: E-learning is nowadays included in different health care curricula. However, this learning and teaching approach is still relatively underused in the health care study programmes. Hence, the goal of this article is to present three e-learning best practices in health care, which were validated in our previous projects/studies.First best practice, e-learning practice contents for the development of critical thinking, presents the approach which resulted in significant (p<0.001) raise in the number of discussion posts (+12.2%) for which the opinions and conclusions of the participants were justified with valid arguments. Furthermore, also the survey results showed that students achieve critical thinking skills with these contents. Second best practice, inclusion of the health care students in the development of e-contents, also resulted as a valid approach for improving the use of e-learning in health care curricula, which was confirmed by the expert opinion and e-contents final users. Finally, third best practice, our approach for evaluation and comparison of e-learning and traditional pedagogical elements value by health care students and teachers, was confirmed in the interview with the management as a valid approach that helps the management to identify whether previous elearning initiatives and activities were successful. Best practices, presented in this paper, represent the evidence that the use of modern information and communication technologies should be considered in the future as a serious requisite in health care study programmes. The broader community interested in the e-learning initiative should prepare a list of similar best practices, validate its effectiveness and prepare guidelines for their optimal implementation..
Ključne besede: e-learning, health care, best practices
Objavljeno v RUP: 08.08.2016; Ogledov: 3410; Prenosov: 194
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Augmented reality in healthcare
Patrik Pucer, Boštjan Žvanut, 2016, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Ključne besede: razširjena resničnost, obogatena resničnost, virtualni objekti, simulacije, simulatorji, virtualna resničnost, simulation, simulators, augmented reality, virtual object, virtual reality
Objavljeno v RUP: 08.08.2016; Ogledov: 3859; Prenosov: 186
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Analiza potreb po uporabi simulacij v procesu vseživljenjskega učenja medicinskih sester
Boštjan Žvanut, Sandi Jurgec, Igor Karnjuš, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Uvod: Simulacije se kot aktivna metoda učenja in poučevanja uporabljajo tako v formalnem kot neformalnem usposabljanju strokovnjakov na področju zdravstva, vendar je njihov potencial v Sloveniji premalo izkoriščen. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, katere simulacije zanimajo vodilne medicinske sestre, ki odločajo o usposabljanjih medicinskih sester. Metode: V anketi, ki je potekala od 30. 11. do 24. 12. 2010, so sodelovale vodilne medicinske sestre primarne, sekundarne in terciarne ravni zdravstvene dejavnosti ter socialnovarstvenih zavodov. Končni vzorec je zajemal 78 anketirancev. Anketiranci so med 146 simulacijami, razdeljenimi v enajst sklopov, izbrali tiste, ki bi jih glede na njihovo naravo dela potrebovali in bi jih bilo smiselno vključevati v programe vseživljenjskega učenja. Za analizo podatkov je bila uporabljena univariatna analiza in test hi-kvadrat. Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo izjemno veliko zanimanje za simulacije stanj, ki zahtevajo nujno obravnavo pacienta, še zlasti za simulacijo Uporaba zunanjega avtomatskega defibrilatorja v primeru srčnega zastoja (62,8 %). Prav tako rezultati kažejo na nekoliko višje, statistično značilno zanimanje za simulacije s strani primarne (I) in terciarne (III) ravni zdravstvene dejavnosti: Akutna alergična reakcija (I: 69 %, III: 67 %, p = 0,036), Supraventrikularna tahikardija (I: 73 %, III: 56 %, p = 0,02) in Ventrikularna fibrilacija in ventrikularna tahikardija (timska obravnava) (I: 73 %, III: 50 %, p = 0,014). Diskusija in zaključek: Glede na izkazano zanimanje za simulacije je smiselno razmisliti o načinih, kako bi se ta pristop bolje vključil v dodiplomsko izobraževanje in kontinuirano profesionalno izobraževanje na področju zdravstvene nege. Ugotovljene razlike v zanimanju za simulacije je smiselno upoštevati pri načrtovanju prihodnjih usposabljanj medicinskih sester.
Ključne besede: simulacije, vseživljenjsko učenje, zdravstvo, zdravstvena nega
Objavljeno v RUP: 30.12.2015; Ogledov: 3683; Prenosov: 30
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A balanced scorecard-based model for evaluating e-learning and conventional pedagogical activities in nursing
Tomaž Hovelja, Damjan Vavpotič, Boštjan Žvanut, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The evaluation of e-learning and conventional pedagogical activities in nursing programmes has focused either on a single pedagogical activity or the entire curriculum, and only on students or teachers' perspective. The goal of this study was to design and test a novel approach for evaluation of e-learning and conventional pedagogical activities that considers students', teachers' and managers' perspectives. A case study of the proposed approach was performed at a publicly funded nursing faculty with Slovenian and Italian students from 2009 to 2012. The case study was combined with focus group discussions, interviews, direct observation and survey. The proposed approach allows management to compare the value of different pedagogical activities through the students', teachers' and managers' perspectives. The approach proved useful in the evaluation of pedagogical activities and provided valid arguments for long-term pedagogical process improvement
Ključne besede: evaluation, curriculum, cost-effectivness, e-learning
Objavljeno v RUP: 14.10.2015; Ogledov: 3670; Prenosov: 228
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E-zdrava prehrana
Patrik Pucer, Mojca Stubelj, Tamara Poklar Vatovec, 2015, drugo učno gradivo

Objavljeno v RUP: 14.10.2015; Ogledov: 4456; Prenosov: 85
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