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Oddaja dela
FAMNIT - Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije
FHŠ - Fakulteta za humanistične študije
FM - Fakulteta za management
FTŠ Turistica - Fakulteta za turistične študije - Turistica
FVZ - Fakulteta za vede o zdravju
IAM - Inštitut Andrej Marušič
PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
UPR - Univerza na Primorskem
ZUP - Založba Univerze na Primorskem
Univerza na Primorskem, Univerzitetna knjižnica - vsi oddelki
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Statistika RUP
Statistika RUP
Top lestvice
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Objave zaključnih del
Top ključne besede
Pojavnost ključnih besed
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.
Magistrska dela (2)
Jasmina Begović:
Properties and applications of the moment curve
Jelena Ilić:
Secret sharing schemes arising from finite geometry
Druga dela (23)
Aart Blokhuis, György Kiss, István Kovács, Aleksander Malnič, Dragan Marušič, János Ruff:
Semiovals contained in the union of three concurrent lines
György Kiss, István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, János Ruff, Primož Šparl:
A note on a geometric construction of large Cayley graps of given degree and diameter
György Kiss, István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, János Ruff, Primož Šparl:
A note on a geometric construction of large Cayley graps of given degree and diameter
György Kiss, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco:
On the spectrum of the sizes of semiovals in PG (2,q), q odd
Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, György Kiss, Amanda Montejano:
On the balanced upper chromatic number of cyclic projective planes and projective spaces
Giorgio Faina, György Kiss, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco:
The cyclic model for PG(n, q) and a construction of arcs
Izabella Jagos, György Kiss, Attila Pór:
On the intersection of Baer subgeometries of PG(n, q[sup]2)
György Kiss, Christian Rubio-Montiel:
A note on m-factorizations of complete multigraphs arising from designs
György Kiss:
A survey on semiovals
György Kiss, Pieter Oloff de Wet:
Notes on the illumination parameters of convex polytopes
György Kiss:
Small semiovals in PG(2, q)
Balázs Csikós, György Kiss, Kondrad J. Swanepoel, Pieter Oloff de Wet:
Large antipodal families
György Kiss, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco:
On blocking sets of inversive planes
Daniele Bartoli, György Kiss, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco:
On the spectrum of sizes of semiovals contained in the Hermitian curve
György Kiss, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco:
Semiovals in projective planes of small order
Robert Jajcay, György Kiss, Štefko Miklavič:
Edge-girth-regular graphs
Károly Bezdek, György Kiss:
On the X-ray number of almost smooth convex bodies and of convex bodies of constant width
Bence Csajbók, György Kiss:
Notes on semiarcs
Károly Bezdek, Károly Böröczky, György Kiss:
On the successive illumination parameters of convex bodies
Daniele Bartoli, György Kiss:
On the metric dimension of affine planes, biaffine planes and generalized quadrangles
György Kiss, Nicola Pace, Angelo Sonnino:
On circular-linear one-factorizations of the complete graph
Daniele Bartoli, György Kiss, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco:
Resolving sets for higher dimensional projective spaces
György Kiss, Štefko Miklavič, Tamás Szőnyi:
On girth-biregular graphs