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New documents in RUP:

26.03.2025FTŠ TuristicabscValorizacija industrijske dediščine v Leskovcu
25.03.2025FAMNITmscVloga mističnih izkušenj pri odnosu do smrti in telesa
21.03.2025FMmscEvolucija dela na daljavo
20.03.2025FTŠ TuristicabscEtnična skupina Kayan med dediščino in turizmom
20.03.2025FVZbscPoznavanje rabe medicinske konoplje med medicinskimi sestrami
19.03.2025FVZbscZnanja, stališča in prepričanja žensk o raku dojke ter presajalnem programu
19.03.2025FVZmscEnergijska razpoložljivost, menstrualni cikel in komunikacijski aspekti pri vrhunskih alpskih smučarkah
19.03.2025FVZmscPovezava med indeksom inzulinske rezistence (METS-IR) in prehrano
19.03.2025FMbscEconomic analysis of BRICS
18.03.2025FVZmscEpidemiologija, dejavniki tveganja in preventiva tekaških poškodb

The table bellow shows organizations of the repository of University of Primorska. Number of works inludes only works with full text (with files) in all languages. Theses of bologna study programme are also included. New works are all works, published in last 30 days. Table cells with Magnifying glass start with a search, while cells with RSS enable RSS subscription.

OrganizationDiplomas MSc thesesPhD theses OtherAll
FAMNIT - Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies01078
FHŠ - Faculty of Humanities000 0
FM - Faculty of Management250 7
FTŠ Turistica - Turistica – College of Tourism Portorož300 3
FVZ - Faculty of Health Sciences360 9
IAM - Andrej Marušič Institute       0
PEF - Faculty of Education7100 17
UPR - University of Primorska000 0
ZUP - University of Primorska Press       0
Last update: 27.03.2025
* Values in this table cannot be just added up, since a single work can be published in multiple organizations.

Partners University of Maribor University of Ljubljana University of Primorska University of Nova Gorica

»Operation part financed by the European Union, European Regional Development  Fund and Ministry for Education, Science and Sport in the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for Period 2007 – 2013.«