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Proučevanje manjšin in obmejnih območij v zgornjem Jadranu - raziskovalni pristopi in problemi v luči politične geografije
Milan Bufon, 2006, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Avtor obravnava kompleksnost manjšinskih in obmejnih vprašanj, ki sestavljajo problematiko proučevanja kontaktnih območij v zgornjem Jadranu, na katere delujejo sočasno različni dejavniki in prispevajo k oblikovanju različne pojavne tipologije v razmerju družbena dominantnost-manjšina, ki vključujejo stanja mejne nacionalne manjšine, teritorialne oziroma regionalne manjšine ter urbane manjšine. Območje zgornjega Jadrana se potrjuje kot izredno zanimiv "laboratorij" za uvajanje novih modelov pri utrjevanju različnih institucionalnih in vsakodnevnih oblik medetnične povezanosti v okviru EU.
Ključne besede: politična geografija, demogeografija, sestava prebivalstva, narodna sestava, narodne majnšine, obmejne regije, Slovenija, Italija, Evropa
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3115; Prenosov: 68
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Zgodovinski roman med nacionalno identiteto, ideologijami in "zgodovinskimi žanri"
Egon Pelikan, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Članek analitično primerja dve literarizaciji novejše slovenske zgodovine, to sta odporniška zgodovinska romana Nokturno za Primorsko Alojza Rebule in Zatemnitev Borisa Pahorja. Oba obravnavata ključne relacije med literaturo in zgodovino: univerzalne kontekste evropske in svetovne zgodovine, nacionalni zgodovinski kontekst, vlogo odporništva, avtobiografskost, ideološke interpretacije slovenske zgodovine, a tudi aktualno-politični pogled. Oba romana razkrivata, kako miti, spekulacije, navidezno nelogične povezave, ki v zgodovinopisju "nimajo pravice do obstoja" omogočajo velike presežke v dojemanju večplastnega zgodovinskega dogajanja v literarizaciji zgodovine, velike primanjkljaje pa v znanstvenem zgodovinopisju.
Ključne besede: slovenska književnost, zgodovinski roman, Srednja Evropa, nacionalna identiteta
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3027; Prenosov: 32
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Diskurzivna konstrukcija slovenske nacionalne identitete : analiza časopisnih političnih komentarjev v obdobju vstopanja Slovenije v Evropsko unijo
Andreja Vezovnik, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article shows which discourses have shaped Slovene national identity in the process of the country's accession to Euro-Atlantic associations. On the theoretical level, it relies primarily on discourse theory and its understanding of identity as discursively constructed through the differences of the Other. Using the concept of intertextuality or interdiscursivity, it shows empirically that the understanding of identity in discourse theory is deficient, especially in aspects where theory advocates openness of social relations, changeabilty and emancipation. On the basis of the historical dimension or an overview of discourses that have constructed Slovene identity in the past, it shows their fixedness and persistence, which means that the field of identification has, despite the change in hegemonic relations, remained the same. The empirical aim of the article is to show how discourses shaped in the process of Slovene accession to Euro-Atlantic associations, have influenced the construction of Slovene national identity. The research focuses on discourses produced in Slovene newspaper commentaries between 2001 and 2003. The main finding is that Slovene national identity has been shaped both through its relation to 'Europe' and to 'the Balkans'. The alteration of 'Europe' is shown predominantly through the catholic discourse from the end ofthe 19th century calling for patriotism, fear of all things foreign, servitude and masochistic introjection in the relation to 'Europe'. These elements are important for the constitution of Slovene national identity even today. The alteration of the 'Balkans' is shown mainly through its demand for particularity, ie. in its nationalist and patriotic discourse, constituted as an opposition to an 'uncivilised barbarian past'. The pursuit for democracy leads Slovene identity from 'Balkan barbarity' to 'European civilizedness'. The conclusion that the question of Slovene identity is a complex issue is therefore not surprising. The aim of the article is to shed light on those discourses that have 'struggled' to attain a hegemonic position in the analysed historical and social moment
Ključne besede: diskurz, identiteta, intertekstualnost, univerzalno, partikularno, Evropa, Balkan, Slovenija
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 2676; Prenosov: 47
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Medkulturni dialog in evropska območja družbenega in kulturnega stika
Milan Bufon, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The European continent, the motherland of nationalism, and the part of the world where political borders and different territorial and cultural identities are mostly inter-related, is now facing new challenges regarding how best to represent its numerous interests within one system. With the increase of international integration European countries began to devote greater attention to the development problems of their border areas that had to be helped to undertake certain functions in the international integration process. The fostering of a more balanced regional development also resulted in a strengthening of regional characteristics, which the new model could no longer ignore. Regional characteristics in turn have always been preserved in Europe by persistent historical and cultural elements of ethnic and linguistic variety. Therefore it is not surprising that the process of European integration based on the new regional development model was accompanied by a parallel process of ethnic or regional awakening of minorities and other local communities. The key question for contemporary European political geography is, then, how the process summarised under the twin labels of social convergence and divergence will effect on the one hand the persistent maintenance of regional identities and on the other hand the corresponding potentials for inter-cultural
Ključne besede: Evropa, kulturni stik, medkulturni dialog, integracijski procesi, regije, družbena konvergenca
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3196; Prenosov: 39
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Evropsko združenje za teritorialno sodelovanje : nova možnost za preseganje meja?
Janez Berdavs, 2008, strokovni članek

Opis: Evropsko združenje za teritorialno sodelovanje - nova možnost preseganja meja?
Ključne besede: Evropa, mednarodni odnosi, mednarodno sodelovanje, Evropsko združenje za teritorialno sodelovanje
Objavljeno v RUP: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 5430; Prenosov: 30
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